The reason why you eat too much at a Christmas party is because there are too many types of dishes

Speaking of Christmas parties, roast chicken, meat loaf, cakes and other things are reminiscent of many feasts. You may have experienced eating too much at a Christmas party, even though you were thinking about gaining weight during the New Year holidays. Laura Wilkinson , a psychology instructor at the University of Swansea in the United Kingdom, points out that 'too many types of dishes in front of you' can cause overeating.
How not to overeat this Christmas – according to science
Weight gain during the holiday season, including Christmas and New Year's holidays, is a bane for many people, and there are also research results that `` While it is easy to gain weight during the holiday season, it is difficult to restore weight '' To do. To prevent weight gain during the holiday season, various behavioral interventions have been studied to prevent weight gain at Christmas parties and other occasions.
What are the 'knacks to prevent year-end fattening' shown in research? -GIGAZINE

by Adrienn
Wilkinson points out that one of the reasons for overeating at Christmas parties is related to the 'kind of dish'. The meals for special events such as Christmas tend to have a wider variety of dishes than usual, and a large number of dishes are lined up at a buffet party, etc. A 2003 study found that people tend to eat a lot.
Studies show that subjects who are allowed to freely eat sandwiches with four types of ingredients are 3 minutes longer than those who are allowed to eat sandwiches with only one type of ingredient. Tended to eat as much as one. Also, subjects given three types of yogurt with different appearances and tastes seem to have consumed more yogurt than subjects given only one type of yogurt with their favorite taste. On the other hand, the subjects who received three types of yogurt with different tastes but the same appearance did not eat the same amount as the subjects who received one favorite yogurt, so this phenomenon was also a visual factor. It is known that it depends.
People have a property of `` sensory specific satiety '' that reduces the desire for foods of the same family when eating foods of a specific taste and color, making it easier to avoid eating the same food endlessly . However, if a variety of dishes are lined up in front of you, even if you get tired of one type of food, it is easy to reach another food, and as a result you tend to overeat. The phenomenon of overeating as the number of dishes in a row increases is also called the 'variety effect.'
by Lee Myungseong
The variety effect can help your health in cases where it is better to eat a variety of ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables, but it can also lead to eating too many main dishes and desserts. In order to prevent overeating due to variety effects at Christmas parties etc., it is important to realize that `` I am easily overeatable due to variety effects '' and to reduce the number of dishes in front of me Wilkinson said.
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in Food, Posted by log1h_ik