A cheating queen bee is more likely to be 'executed' by a worker bee



Bees of a kind that does not have a needle ' needle-free bees in', queen bees and possibly be executed in bees work to be mated with 2 males to increase the research team of the United Kingdom Sussex University has revealed.

Queen Execution, Diploid Males, and Selection For and Against Polyandry in the Brazilian Stingless Bee Scaptotrigona depilis | The American Naturalist: Vol 194, No 5

Queen bees face increased chance of execution if they mate with two males rather than one: Broadcast: News items: University of Sussex

In a normal honey bee, a queen bee mates with 10 to 20 males, but the number of males that a honey bee queen inhabits in tropical regions such as Brazil is usually only one. The discovery is that if a honey bee queen mates with two males, the queen bee is more likely to be “executed” by her worker bee.

Bees have a special gender determination system called “ half ploidy ”. Haploid is that sex is determined by the number of chromosomes it has, female honeybees have a total of 32 chromosomes inherited from mothers and fathers, but males inherited from mothers16 I only have a book chromosome.



However, according to Professor Francis Ratnieks of the research team, there is a “bug” in the haploidy that determines sex on this chromosome. The bug is that if the chromosome inherited from the mother matches the chromosome inherited from the father, a “diploid male without reproductive ability” is born with a 50% probability. When this diploid male is born, the worker bee tries to execute the queen bee that gave birth to the male.

When the number of mating partners increases from one to two, the chances of mating double, but the probability that a diploid male will be born will be 50% to 25%. However, as a result of research, both the “queen bee with a 50% chance of producing a diploid male” and the “queen bee with a 25% chance of producing a diploid male” both work equally and are likely to be executed by a bee. Turned out.

When Francis Ratnieks professor, led the research team is to mate with 2 males rather than one animal is 'the queen bee, because the chance of mating is doubled, also a two-fold increase in likely to be executed. For this reason, natural The choice worked and the queen bee mated with a single male gained an advantage. '

By Pixabay

However, according to the observation of the research team, “ If there are four mating partners, the possibility of being executed is rather reduced. ” If the number of mating partners is 4, the probability that the queen bee and the mating chromosome match will be four times higher, while the probability of a diploid male being 12.5%. Professor Francis Ratnieks explains, “When the incidence of diploid males is 25%, they try to execute the queen bee, but 12.5% do not.” Regarding the low rate of execution with 4 or more mating partners, `` Helena honeybees may evolve from a species with a single mating partner to a species with multiple mating partners. ”Professor Francis Ratnieks pointed out,“ But more than two mating partners, which are the first step in its evolution, are more likely to be executed, so the bee has a single mating partner. It seems to be still. '

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