Marijuana hidden in the nostril 18 years ago is excavated as a stone

If you plug something in your nostrils or put it in your meal, foreign objects may get in the back of your nose. Although you can drive out the foreign matter from the back of the nose is usually possible to coughs or sneezes, the mass of marijuana (cannabis) that a man hid in the hole of the nose also was allowed to stand for 18 years, after which 'cannabis An incident has been reported that it was taken out of the back of the nose as a stone .
A nose out of joint: first reported case of prison-acquired marijuana-based rhinolith | BMJ Case Reports
Here's what happens when you leave marijuana up your nose for 18 years | Ars Technica
A 48-year-old Australian man found a marijuana fossil from the back of his nose. The man was serving in prison in 2002, secretly receiving a small amount of cannabis wrapped in a rubber capsule from a lover who visited the man and packed it in the nostril to escape the prisoner's eyes Hidden.
However, when a man tried to remove cannabis, he accidentally pushed the cannabis capsule into the back of his nose. Because hemp never came out of his nose, the man assumed that he had swallowed it by mistake, and after a while he had completely forgotten about it.
A space called the nasal cavity extends in the depths of the human nose, and the sinuses adjacent to the nasal cavity are connected to the nasal cavity by a small hole. If bacteria propagate in the sinuses, it may cause sinusitis, and a hole leading to the nasal cavity may be blocked and pus may accumulate in the sinuses, or the airway may be blocked and breathing may be observed.
The capsule with cannabis pushed in by the man was stuck in the back of the nasal cavity, causing sinusitis and annoying the man after his departure for many years. Sinusitis became increasingly severe, and the symptoms worsened, especially when it was difficult to breathe on the right side of the nose.
When a man who began to suffer from severe headaches underwent a CT scan of his brain, the doctor in charge found a small block of 19mm x 11mm in the back of his right nose. This block of stone was a cannabis capsule that a man pushed into the back of his nostril 18 years ago. The cannabis capsules that were made of rubber had become like stones over 18 years, with calcium and magnesium salts clinging together. Later, the man's surgery was performed under general anesthesia, and the cannabis capsule that had been sleeping in the back of the nasal cavity for 18 years was finally removed from the nostril of the man.

by StayRegular
There have been many reports of `` nasal stones, '' such as bone fragments and blood clots, hard boogers, plant seeds, beads, buttons, etc. It can be traced back to 1654. A 2007 study reported that ' opium wrapped in a nylon sheet' became a nasal stone and was removed from the back of an adult male nose. However, drug dealers and smugglers often “swallow the drug and hide it in the stomach” to make it easier to remove, and rarely bother to hide it in the nostrils. Therefore, the case where narcotics are taken out from the back of the nose as a stone is very rare.
In addition, when a man was shown some stones taken from a doctor and received some questions, he seemed to have remembered that his nose was stuffed with marijuana 18 years ago. Three months after surgery, the man reported to his doctor that the sinusitis he had suffered for more than 10 years was completely cured.
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