Headline news on October 28, 2019

The second bulletin of “ Theatrical High School Fleet ” to be screened at theaters nationwide from Wednesday, January 8, 2020 has been released. A “competitive play party” will be held in Yokosuka, where students from all girls' marine schools will gather and hold a school festival and a physical education festival. This is a completely new work following TV anime and OVA.
“Theatrical version High School Fleet” 2nd bulletin-YouTube
By the way, this article was posted on the same day of the same month in the past.
The salary details of the period worker are released at once, and if you work at the factory for one year, you can earn this much-GIGAZINE
A man who swims across the Pacific and says `` Plastic garbage is floating everywhere in the Pacific ''-GIGAZINE
NASA's investigation reveals that there are multiple square icebergs like `` tofu ''-GIGAZINE
I tried caramel taste `` Uchi Café SWEETS × GODIVA caramel chocolate roll cake '' of roll cake sold 2.5 million meals in 2 weeks-GIGAZINE
The creator of the world's first VR feature animation `` Project LUX '', Hasekura Frozen Sand Talk Show of `` Wolf and Spice ''-GIGAZINE
I got a raw deer meat hunted by a hunter, so I tried to make `` deer stew '' etc-GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo / Others)
It was a ritual when I received a request from children ...! @motimaro_comike @barbatoskoarai #Ikebukuro Halloween pic.twitter.com/UHbm9ckH4v
— Tsukumo @ Winter Comic (@tkm_smwr) October 27, 2019
(This hoody, the animal is cute with a choo cho train ... but this would be out if I wore it) Clerk 'That's cute ... Please turn it over' See the back Clerk 'I'm tired' I bought ' picked ' pic.twitter.com/AQQLLPXPZg
— Sowaka (@irhswk) October 27, 2019
What was afraid in reality ...
— Naruhiko Z (@naruhiko_z) October 24, 2019
Tomorrow, in the heavy rain, the work of carrying the bus chassis has entered www (manma photo state)
So, I will take my bike's met with enthusiasm ... pic.twitter.com/zw1oRTMhSJ
What! The cigarette was mimic! pic.twitter.com/JsAJqsZEL2
— Saki Ono (@ OnoSaki 1126) October 26, 2019
KUSO Design Ob-the - Year pic.twitter.com/IScDmMlF3p
— Jakeo @ Male Childcare Leave 1y6m (@ jakeo38) October 26, 2019
Disturbing Pooh behind the Hanyu-kun is going to be turned on pic.twitter.com/nuNi5BfcBK
— Cube (@ kyubetyan3) October 26, 2019
Powerful pic.twitter.com/tso2nqdLG3
— VR Kichiberu (@kichbell) October 26, 2019
This is the person who found yesterday size of the bond pic.twitter.com/9OHlsEva0K
— Hoya (@kardr_maru) October 27, 2019
From TikTok
— Yokkun (@yokkun_esora) October 27, 2019
Video of grilling two roasted cows in Pajero.
I don't know what you're saying, but it's pretty dynamic. pic.twitter.com/PFJ6KnHf3B
It was tremendously popular, and it was also a resurrection in the whole village pic.twitter.com/72dTbW4SI7
— Mamoru Ieo (@mamoru_ieo) October 27, 2019
I saw a great job pic.twitter.com/gn2ecKzRc6
— Bakaoto (@bakaoto) October 27, 2019
I bought some food that seems to be clever. pic.twitter.com/3ncHgeQZ3p
— Bonjin (@Bonezine) October 27, 2019
◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
NHK News Research Group finds a new species of white shrimp in the mouth of whale sharks | NHK News
Gene manipulation by genome editing. Potential for extinguishing foreign fish 'Bluegill' | NHK News
Some spooky mushrooms have grown in the back field `` It seems to be a devil's hand '' Actually, some people are jealous It turns out that it is a mushroom of god out-Togetter
Also, there is a keeper who thinks it's serious ... pic.twitter.com/eEiGpnekM7
— Uta @ Committee 130_U32a (@motiiiiiiiii) October 25, 2019
◆ Society, politics, economy (incidents, world news, business)
NHK sues N Party Leader
To be charged for plastic shopping bags from July next year | NHK News
The national government had been obliged to require all retailers to charge for plastic bags from April next year at the earliest, but there were many voices saying that a sufficient preparation period was necessary, and the policy to make the start time next July was solidified. It was.
The disaster prevention arena of 17 billion yen was not useful even though it was a direct hit from Ibaraki and Typhoon. Citizen's voice of anger, 'Please open it first ...' (1/3) <dot.> |
“Ayers Rock” rock climbing is banned today | NHK News
A large amount of 'dead leaves' in Yubari Mountain Mystery of extremely poisonous buried in the national forest: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Abe administration 80 million yen reduction / sexual violence victims one-stop support center operating costs
Anti-discrimination group protests: Asahi Shimbun Digital
IS leader Baghdad died President Trump announced | NHK News
The father of law who faced sexual acts to her daughter who met for the first time in 7 years, not the `` obscene obscene guard '' '' (Tamaka Ogawa)-personal-Yahoo! News
Unauthorized sales sweetly looked at 'postal administration' The role of the press disregarded 'Management Committee' The negative chain invited 'NHK Kanpo problem'-Mainichi Newspaper
US budget deficit is about 107 trillion yen, the highest level in seven years | NHK News
NHK News
Catholic, married man to priest to change 900 years tradition: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Suspected of strangling his 88-year-old wife 63-year-old husband “I was tired of care” Koriyama: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Public documents are not disclosed! The darkness that gave birth to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nao Fujita | Ronza-Asahi Shimbun's speech site
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published contents “undisclosed” Okinawa return documents, etc .: Asahi Shimbun Digital
'Garakei woman' hoax spread victim woman is Aichi Toyota city lawsuit: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Point reduction, possibility of budget shortage to 1 billion yen a day: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Inundation area of Typhoon No. 19 matches much with inundation assumption in hazard map | NHK News
Today, ordinary citizens who were just walking around the city were sprayed with pepper just by criticizing the police who came.
— Zhou Niwa Agnes Chow Ting (@chowtingagnes) October 27, 2019
Pepper spray can be a little painful or even painful. Moreover, not only for a few minutes, even if you go home and take a shower, you will continue to ache until the next day.
From: https://t.co/LbWvdgP6jm pic.twitter.com/DeR0FnxBju
NHK News, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Reproductive support for sexual minority couples, implemented from 4 facilities: Asahi Shimbun Digital
The meaning of `` murder of IS leaders '' for President Trump and Syria (Akiji Rokujo)-Individual-Yahoo! News
Medical institutions prescribe antibacterial drugs that are ineffective for over 30% of cold patients | NHK News
NHK News: General Manager of Seiryo High School Soccer Club
On the 50th day from the fall of the golf driving range pole Full-scale removal begins Chiba Ichihara | NHK News
More than 40% are 'Japan is a nuclear power country' = misunderstanding but favor-Arab vs. Japan public opinion survey: current affairs dot com
Hong Kong weekend demonstrations affect the protests around the world for 21 consecutive weeks-Bloomberg
◆ Lifestyle (Life / Life / Health)
The last (?) Pear this year is a jumbo Arao pear from Kumamoto. https://t.co/1LNhk509yx
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) October 27, 2019
2019 • Costco's eye-catching Halloween goods. https://t.co/zrpHL0oZbY
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) October 26, 2019
While passing through the forest road on a mountain bike, the cliffs slammed. It's easy to collapse with a little vibration and weight when passing.
— Trail_Builder_Japan (@japan_trail) October 26, 2019
Everyone be careful! #Typhoon No.19 # Typhoon Damage # Crumblespic.twitter.com / rcKreXTAIF
The story of “World Chronological Chronology” which is long only in Japan-
Hikikomori, 40's is the most popular support centered on young people [Hikikomori's Real]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mazda Kidzania, a Too Die Polisher (at Tokyo Motor Show 2019)
The Sapporo Great Ball that was bought by bad guys (Kusodeka Cabbage) was able to bring it back to Tokyo while being exposed to curiosity.
-Grilled pork woman (black charred) (@ sao717_pockle) October 27, 2019
An unknown aunt asked me, “Is this growing as it is?” And I was seen on the belt conveyor for returning my baggage. pic.twitter.com/W4BLwhR6jk
This child, the best healing ω
— Aish (@ 0321tokitoki) October 27, 2019
At Inuyama Castle. pic.twitter.com/hDXVaSbYd5
Do not, for good sake ~ ('⊙ω⊙`)⁈ pic.twitter.com/QWaKbDoqpQ
— Sasha Sha (@ sarsha13) October 26, 2019
Yolk ratio is M> L> S, SS, MS, LL
— Siphon (@Siphon_Drip) October 27, 2019
M size is delicious yolk, fried egg, fried egg, boiled egg, etc.
L size is well-balanced between yolk and white, so you can eat scrambled eggs, oyakodon, fried eggs, omelets, etc.
Choose a size other than M ・ L with a fluffy tea bowl, pudding, cake, etc.pic.twitter.com/m1OTPQQcG0
The biggest impact of designing a rice mill factory.
— Tatami @ Loop_XV (@tatami_loop) October 25, 2019
It seems that at the factory that produces the convenient washing-free rice, the rice is sharpened with tapioca. Soot is adsorbed and less water is needed.
It seems to be a well-known technology in the industry with patents.
Washed rice sharpened with tapioca on the right. Surface cells are not broken.
It ’s amazing.
The world is wide. pic.twitter.com/cbCViI7Coa
The decline and destruction of the Roman Empire
— Bird (@Flying_Shoebill) October 27, 2019
I think this is the best binding ever.pic.twitter.com/2Jsjnh6jHj
When looking for stones in the sea, people often ask us, “What are you looking for?” “Do you work?” “Do you make money?” No, I'd rather listen to it the other way, but why not find a stone in the sea? There are so many beautiful stones on the beach! pic.twitter.com/cW9T9tl8iw
— AzukKi (@azukki_) October 26, 2019
I suddenly remembered,
— STUDIO RIHITO Design Lab. (@Rihitoon) October 27, 2019
When I visited Kanazawa, there was such a nice stone wall
I think that the color of the natural stone is the same.
It was very beautiful pic.twitter.com/AGgfarUCR6
The 80-year-old registered tangible cultural property Afternoon Tea, Meguro “Three Tires” was filled with the owner's love of the UK, and the sandwiches, scones and sweets were delicious, but the level of tea stock was excellent. I changed about 10 cups. Convinced of repeated repeaters. You can spend time that transcends the concept of “sales” pic.twitter.com/POYHnLMDiH
— Zaikabou (@zaikabou) October 27, 2019
The moment when the pupil opens is so cute. pic.twitter.com/6rTeuy57Wu
— Cat Diary (@ jw20180715) October 26, 2019
'Abandonment' or 'selection' or 'decrease surgery' site to reduce the fetus-Yahoo! News
◆ IT / Gadget (Net / Soft / Hard / Mobile)
I tried coloring snow, snow and SNOW. https://t.co/RExnn6MHWC
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) October 25, 2019
I'm trying to set up, but the screen is devilish and I can not see pic.twitter.com/e7rSP3eDyp
— Yu Darvish (@faridyu) October 27, 2019
About EX service extension to Kyushu Shinkansen: JR West
500,000 yen per tweet of comics combination KYOTO CITY and PR contract expert 'surprising amount, misappreciating technique' | Main | Local News | Kyoto Shimbun
Settlement in China, “face authentication” era without smartphones (Photo = AP): Nihon Keizai Shimbun
How to read English articles that arrived in 3 years-Qiita
Expedia An unfamiliar overseas hotel search where the price is changing by deciding the price of the customer depending on where the link is flying But the world is really different and the price is different
— Yanchan (@ yanyanchan2020) in Tengukai October 26, 2019
[Sad news] O'Reilly ceased handling DRM-free e-books | Wolfish BLOG
Ishino Takkyu's `` tweets of SNS without friends '' imitation is too crazy-Togetter
Technology to deliver coupons optimally -analysis--Gunosy Data Analysis Blog
◆ Anime, Games, Manga (Subcal)
“HERO” is made up of H and ERO – “De-class formation Egzeros” has been animated! We will send out the original information as well as anime information, so please follow us! Hashtag is # Eg Zeros https://t.co/uQ2f7LROR0 pic.twitter.com/1FpICTRXLz
— TV anime “class-class formation egeros” official (@ hxeros_anime) October 25, 2019
Theatrical version `` Fate / stay night [Heaven's Feel] '' Ⅲ.spring song 2nd key visual introduction video-YouTube
TV anime `` Love Asteroid '' PV 1st bullet-YouTube
TV anime 'Laughing on the runway' Fujito Chiyuki character PV | January 2020 broadcast-YouTube
A newcomer VTuber with a sister history of 20 years tried acting acting sister power interview-YouTube
Animation `` Babylon '' 3rd PV-YouTube
Haikyu !! Entering the final chapter
— Haikyu !!. Com (@haikyu_com) October 27, 2019
From the Weekly Shonen Jump No. 48 released today on October 28th, Haikyu !! will head to the final chapter.
Thank you for your support to the end! pic.twitter.com/RBmVcpbLuj
From the pre-war period to the present day, the maintenance civil engineering industry magazine, the railroad current company “new railroad”, but the 4 frame cartoon which was published in the December 1959 issue has attacked with overwhelming power from the first frame, you are Tetsuya Komuro (This four-frame manga will be the final series in this issue) pic.twitter.com/cmPsQRjjlr
— Cat ear little girl yasu (@Library_Yasu) October 26, 2019
Light Novel's American Publication Status 2019 | Light Novel Study Group
Eva neighborhood that is excited for the emergence of jet alone-Togetter
As a result of continuing to train the body just aiming for the strongest man Somehow Keisuke Itagaki drawing a huge hit cartoon `` Grapple Blade Fang '' # Gekira-san-Togetter
Exciting just by watching for some reason “Animation drawing attention document” → “Surely it is not enough without this neighborhood” “I feel breathing at the time of production”-Togetter
Women's idol game “Dereste” The story of female users about the management “Idols are money?” “Stop outfits with no goods”-Togetter
Gas is Poko Poko, Sagara Oil Field Young people 'is the same place as comics': Asahi Shimbun Digital
e…? I was in the waiting room of the hospital, but this is n’t really good? pic.twitter.com/7JVpJt4lA8
— Sick leaves (@ wkwklover) October 28, 2019
This Hancho is drawing important things so everyone should read https://t.co/T5mGJy2HAB pic.twitter.com/t6blHTbBAe
— Cat Vanilla (@necovanilla) October 28, 2019
The other day, we accepted two internship students from the interior department of the local Mizusawa Technical High School. I didn't want to do just a miscellaneous work experience, so I had the experience of coloring the iron bottle. The design on the right seems to be an image of Touken Ranbu's current sword and Iwafu, and it expresses the ugliness of Hiraizumi, south of Iwate Prefecture. Naming flowers 霞pic.twitter.com/FYM9ovQv9s
— Kaitok (@ kaito_kiku327) October 27, 2019
[Destruction of Demon]
— Natsuki Hanae (@ hanae0626) October 27, 2019
It becomes like this when Natsuki Hanae plays the game of 'Devil Blade'
With permission
Blu-ray & DVD Volume 3 Bonus Demonstrative Relentless Play! !
Aim high score! ! !
The full version is from YouTube ↓ https://t.co/iBlfnED7pi pic.twitter.com/JkBQCEHKXf
This is a record of a friend who was not a baseball fan when he took him to the baseball field.pic.twitter.com/6yrrJaktf2
— Tetsuo Denai (@ 675pixel) October 27, 2019
I came across a ridiculous car locally. pic.twitter.com/HPfyrJ97px
— JOY86 formula. [Death Stranding] (@savan_savan) October 27, 2019
Miracle Romance pic.twitter.com/wxTTtSCDaC
— Curious (@zangi_f_fujiko) October 26, 2019
Crisis is now there pic.twitter.com/Uy1bGS7iJO
-Torico Cat Tamako (@ KWFZWI7X20NQ67X) October 27, 2019
'Ryuou's work! (Tentative)
— Shiro Shiratori (@nankagun) October 28, 2019
It becomes a game with PS4.
Ai-chan and Shogi can point!
Everyone's dream of “I want to make a little girl out of shogi!” Finally comes true! # Ryuou's work pic.twitter.com/Zu8Gl0p7iL
【true story】
— Senan (@ senan0302) October 25, 2019
A story that embarrassed when the tuner came pic.twitter.com/PvUagM3xaN
When you get ridiculous please # FGO pic.twitter.com/diTA1tyjoH
— Mr. Ebi-do @ Drawer (@ ebi_525) October 27, 2019
In the morning, the snowstorm that prepares hairpic.twitter.com/K7JDVdmIAT
— Shio soda (@ kurau3) October 27, 2019
My wife is working on the background of Anpanman's anime. I was very surprised when I first discovered the fact.
— Hiko-chan (@YOTUGINOKO) October 27, 2019
`` Bread factory and words of Takashi Yanase '' pic.twitter.com/Ncvb6HVLEg
Did you know that? pic.twitter.com/VHOqsEkIJE
— Rhoma (@Hzen_ryouma) Oct 27, 2019
The same technique was used by ToLOVE pic.twitter.com/jymAhefq9D
— Doronko (@ xb2_ol2u) October 27, 2019
Matte texture and body line fetish # I want to be someone's writerpic.twitter.com/0u4tN25W6j
— Yu (@youcapriccio) October 27, 2019
East German customs officials to confiscate inappropriate books from Japanese tourists # sober Halloween pic.twitter.com/5CGaqqe05K
— Hiwaii @ Sober Hello 1st (@hiwai_rs) October 27, 2019
The road is steep pic.twitter.com/jvONxn4MXS
— Spectacle Bazooka (@MEGANEbazooka) October 27, 2019
Jokers who became cute than expected after somehow drawing.pic.twitter.com/FwQSLRhmNv
— Janrok @ (@ janrock00000fgo) October 27, 2019
Common scenes like gamespic.twitter.com/eFu4SM5F8E
— Edama (@ kissshot51) October 27, 2019
FGO Babylonia The 4th episode of Ushiwakamaru is a simple cut that moves toward you while shaking your hand, but it is drawn because you have to consider how to swing differently from the body, big sleeves, tied hair, ornaments, etc. The skill of the hand is asked. pic.twitter.com/E9hp54iqOS
— Limina (@reme_yg) October 27, 2019
Grand Chariot together! pic.twitter.com/AAZ4T1DKVj
— Hiro Mashima (@hiro_mashima) October 27, 2019
`` Monster Hunter World: Ice Bone '' Steam version (PC) announcement trailer-YouTube
`` Final Fantasy XIV '' FFXIV Patch 5.1 Trailer `` White Pledge, Black Secret ''-YouTube
“A lot of guys in Pakistan are stronger than me” was true! `` Tokyo Tekken Masters 2019 '', Atif Butt first visitor from Pakistan wins a grand victory-GAME Watch
This seems to be a `` dying mother's hairstyle '', but it's such an interesting thing. What kind of principle is that the author will make this hairstyle design when he thinks this mother 56 pic.twitter.com/X2MXldNing
— It is (@transfooorm) October 27, 2019
The out of stock manga “Devil's Blade” expands into a mess for both bookstores and fans! ! Is the publisher itself out of stock and waiting for reprints? What are the feelings of fans in a pandemic that is not as good as Tamagotchi? -Togetter
◆ Sports, performing arts, music, movies (entertainment)
Chuto Tokui, not subscribed to social insurance, bank deposits were seized ... Yoshimoto Kogyo announces new facts: Sports Alert
Toshiyuki Nishida reveals the reason for the boarding “I felt like it was a departure from the initial concept” | News about East Sports News
Everyone who saw live-action version Garpan # T34 Legend of War-Togetter
England wins with “careful preparation” Eddie's strategy | NHK News
Governor Koike marathon and race walk to the IOC's intention to conduct in Tokyo | NHK News
Yuru talk while making hand-rolled sushi with Will Smith! Is there such a friendly Hollywood star? ? (# 834)-YouTube
Martin Scorsese says 'Lou Reed was the voice of those who have nothing'-YAMDAS current update history
◆ New products (clothing / food / living)
Crystals of Pride of Craftsmen Grown in Culture and Culture Geographical Indication (GI) Registration “Imakin Osaku” Used Japanese Premium Potato Chips Japan PRIDE POTATO Imakin Osaku Hokkaido Salt Phantom Samurai “Imakin Osaku” 'Set gift campaign'
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt