What is the reason why the 'relationship between carbon dioxide and global warming' that was pointed out 150 years ago was silently killed?

In fact, scientific papers pointed out more than 150 years ago have already been published on the relationship between carbon dioxide and global warming, which has been tackled by humankind as a major environmental problem in the 20th century, but it was ignored by both the public and academic societies. It was. The Public Domain Review, which publishes public domain materials on the Internet, explains why papers that first noticed global warming have been ignored for many years.
The American journal of science .: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive
First Paper to Link CO2 and Global Warming, by Eunice Foote (1856) – The Public Domain Review
In 1856, Unice Hoot, an American female scientist, used four thermometers, two glass cylinders, and an air pump to separate the components that make up the atmosphere and to change the temperature in the glass cylinders in sunlight and shade. Measurement. As a result, we discovered that foot has the effect of holding heat in carbon dioxide and water vapor.
The following image is part of Hoot's paper ' Circumstances Affecting the Heat of Sun's Rays ' reporting the discovery of carbon dioxide. It is included in the November 1856 issue of The Journal of American Science, one of the oldest academic journals in the United States.

The fact that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas is one of the key principles of modern meteorology and climate science. In addition, Hoot said in the paper, “The atmosphere of carbon dioxide raises the temperature of the earth. If at some point in the history of the earth, carbon dioxide was included in the atmosphere at a higher rate than the present, The rise must have inevitably occurred, ”he argued, and clarified the relationship between global warming and carbon dioxide.
Hoot's groundbreaking discovery, however, did not receive much attention from the public, as well as from academic societies. At that time, women's social status was overwhelmingly low compared to modern times, and Hoot was prohibited from publishing papers at the
In addition, the 19th century American academic society was less authoritative than the European academic society, which was one of the reasons why Hoot's paper did not attract attention. Hoot was a science class at a technical school that later became Rensselaer Polytechnic University , but he was only an amateur scientist who was not officially employed by the university and continued to study in the countryside of New York. It was impossible to interact with prominent scientists.

by Carlyn Iverson
In 2010, more than 150 years after the publication of the foot research, oil geologist Ray Sorenson discovered Hoot's paper while reading old literature. Announced that he was aware of the relationship of global warming. A symposium held at the University of California at Sant Barbara in 2018 recognized that foot's research on climate science was excluded from the academic society, and foot research was finally re-evaluated by many.
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