The psychedelic LSD that was very popular in the 1960s was born from a small wheat field

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide ) is known as a hallucinogen (psychedelic drug) that became popular in counterculture in the 1960s . However, it was originally synthesized for medical use in the 1930s and was expected as an analgesic and psychotropic drug. About the history of LSD, Mike Jay , a writer who is familiar with drug circumstances, has compiled.
The Acid Farmers-Mike Jay
LSD was first synthesized in 1938 by a chemist, Albert Hoffman, who studied ergot fungus infested with grain ears. In the image below, the ergot that protrudes black from the ears of wheat is the ergot nucleus of ergot fungus.

Ergot produces chemicals collectively called “ergot alkaloids”. The ergot alkaloid is toxic, painful as the limbs burn when ingested, the blood vessels cause contraction, necrosis of the limbs, lack of blood flow in the brain and become a hallucination, seizure, unconscious body Cause 'addiction'.
The existence of ergot fungus became apparent in the 19th century, but in Europe and the United States where wheat is widely cultivated, ergot poisoning itself has been known as `` Fire of St. Anthony ' ', It is speculated that some of the people who suddenly went wrong in Medieval Europe and were “deviled” were addicted to eating ergot-contaminated bread.
Medieval European doctors said that they used mackerel as a medicine to accelerate the birth and abortion of pregnant women. Therefore, in Germany, ergot was called 'Mother's corn'.
by Matthias Grünewald
Hoffman was ordered by Arthur Stall, who was a boss at Sand 's laboratory where he worked at the time, to refine this ergot alkaloid into a medically useful form. In 1918, Stall succeeded in isolating the vasoconstrictor ergotamine from ergot alkaloids.
Since the fear of ergot fungus has already been elucidated in the 20th century, ergot is a disease that wheat farmers should overcome, and when it comes out, it is finally discarded thoroughly so that infection will not spread again There was something that was difficult to get ergot. Sand therefore signed a contract with a wheat farmer in Emmental , central Switzerland, securing a small amount of ergot from a small amount of farmland.
Although LSD isolated in 1938 by Hoffman was used in animal experiments, it does not have the characteristics of vasoconstriction like ergotamine. There was no. Although Hoffman felt that the animals were no longer calm, he decided to move on to research on another compound because he was not likely to produce a product.
In 1943, Hoffman began refining LSD again to eliminate the catch that he felt five years ago. At this time, the LSD solution adheres to the hand and is absorbed into the body, making Hoffman feel that the world is surrounded by intense colors and shapes, and that LSD has a strong hallucinating effect. It was. At the same time, Hoffman became the world's first “ trip ” person with LSD.
In response to Hoffman's report, the effectiveness of LSD as a hallucinogen was confirmed, and it was released as a research reagent under the trademark “Delicid”. Although severe conditions were established for the administration of LSD to the human body, it was expected to play an active role as an analgesic action for end-stage patients and as a treatment for mental illness.

With the mass production of Delicid, the ergot that had been made in detail by contracted farmers has been grown on a large scale. Sand offers contract farmers with needle guns to inoculate rye heads with ergot spores and special tractors designed to harvest only wheat ears. The cultivation experiment was conducted in secret under government approval.

LSD was originally a reagent used only in laboratories, but has been distributed as a drug since the 1960s and has been used regularly among hippies .
by John Lester
Psychologist Timothy Leary, who had repeated psychological experiences and experiments with mushrooms with hallucinating effects, previously ordered 500 g of Delicid from Sand to know the existence of LSD and let the world know the psychedelic hallucinatory experience of LSD. Did. However, the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) waited for this order, and in the same year, Sand expired the LSD patent. In 1965 Sand issued a statement that “LSD has become a serious threat to public health in some parts of the world” and officially stopped production and distribution.
As the hippie culture declined, the number of LSD users decreased, but the second summer of love in the late 1980s triggered another LSD epidemic in the underground club scene. In Japan, LSD has been subject to the Drug and Psychotropic Drug Control Law since 1970, and export, import, transfer, transfer, possession, application, and use are strictly prohibited.
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