A local government appears to solve the problem on its own by pushing ransomware ransom of 560 million yen

New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA, refused ransomware's $ 5.3 million (about 560 million yen) ransom request, and recovered the file whose access rights were taken by himself to solve the problem .
US City Rejects $ 5.3 Million Ransom Demand and Restores Encrypted Files from Backup-SecAlerts-Security vulnerabilities in your inbox
It was late at night on July 4, 2019 that hackers used ransomware to break into New Bedford's network and attacked using ransomware “ Ryuk ”. This attack was aimed at all the city's networks including educational institutions and police, but since the attack was carried out at night and most of the city's PCs were turned off, about 3500 infected PCs It was said that it stayed at 158 units. The next morning, IT staff discovered ransomware. Infected PCs were isolated from the internal network to minimize damage.

The criminal group demands to pay a ransom of $ 5.3 million in bitcoins for access rights to files encrypted by ransomware. In response to this request, New Bedford mayor John Mitchell said, “A similar ransom in Lake City in June 2019 is appropriate for a ransom of $ 400,000.” Requested a reduction in ransom.
An American municipality that paid 54 million yen ransom due to ransomware damage dismissed one city IT manager-GIGAZINE

A video of Mayor Mitchell holding a press conference about this ransomware damage is also available.
Ransomware attacker demanded $ 5.3 million from city of New Bedford, mayor says-YouTube
The city continued to interact with the criminal group to earn time. However, as the criminal group completely rejected Mayor Mitchell's request, the IT team was able to restore all encrypted files from the backup system. According to the city's announcement, there were few PCs infected with ransomware in the late night crime, so the impact on important files was zero, so restoration from backup was easy.
After this incident, New Bedford has added security software and improved its defense manual.
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