'007' series latest title is 'NO TIME TO DIE', retired James Bond confronts evil organization

On August 20, 2019, the producers of the 007 series, Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, said the title of the next work, which is the 25th work of the 007 series, is `` NO TIME TO DIE (no time to die) '' Announced. The main character, James Bond, will be played by
The Official James Bond 007 Website | NO TIME TO DIE is the official title of Bond 25
Daniel Craig returns as James Bond, 007 in… NO TIME TO DIE. Out in the UK on 3 April 2020 and 8 April 2020 in the US. # Bond25 #NoTimeToDie pic.twitter.com/qxYEnMhk2s
— James Bond (@ 007) August 20, 2019
The movie of the title announcement is also released on YouTube.
Official title reveal of Bond 25-YouTube
James Bond walking from the left (Daniel Craig)
Stop walking and turn your face here.

The title of the next work is “NO TIME TO DIE”

According to the official website, “James Bond, who retired, was silently living in Jamaica. Bond's peace was the result of an old friend and CIA agent Felix Reiter asking for help. The mission to rescue kidnapped scientists is far more dangerous than expected, and Bond will face a mysterious evil use armed with threatening new technology. ” It has been.
The cast is starring Daniel Craig, as well as MI6 Director M Raiff Fiennes , M Secretary Miss Money Penny Naomi Harris , and MI6 Research and Development Q Ben Whishaw . In addition, Madeleine Swan, who served as a bond girl in the previous work ' 007 Specter ', will appear and will be played by Rare Sedu like the previous work. Rami Marek, who won the Academy Award for Best Actor at the Bohemian Rhapsody , is a villain, and Rashana Lynch is a successor to Agent 007, who was vacated after James Bond retired.
The director is Carrie Fukunaga and the screenplays are Neil Purvis and Robert Wade, as well as '007 Skyfall ' and '007 Specter'. It was announced that the music will be performed by Dan Romar , who has worked with Director Carrie Fukunaga.
'NO TIME TO DIE' will be released in the UK from April 3, 2020 (Friday) and in the United States from Wednesday, April 8, 2020. The date of publication in Japan is unknown at the time of writing the article.
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