Researchers point out that James Bond has serious alcohol problems, MI 6's workplace improvement is required

Vodka-based cocktail " Vodka Martini " that James Bond often drinks in the series of movie "007". While vodka martini appears frequently in the series, researchers at the University of Otago say that "James Bond has consistent and strong evidence that it has chronic alcohol consumption problems" .
License to swill: James Bond's drinking over six decades | The Medical Journal of Australia
James Bond is a 'severe' alcoholic, study says
According to researchers, the number of times alcohol touches the lips of James Bond in films that were made in about 60 years is 109, and when it is averaged the number will be 4.5 per movie. Works with the highest alcohol intake in the series are " 007 comfort wages " published in 2008, and the amount is 6 Vesper Martini . Researchers say that when you drink this amount of alcohol you get a blood alcohol level of 0.36 g / dL, and in some cases it will die.
Many people who made James Bond's "Vodka matini, shaken not stirred. (Vodka · Martini, shake not steer)" lines repeatedly and actually make the same order at the bar is.
Vodka Martini, Shaken, Not Stirred - YouTube
And when James Bond drinks, it means "take risky behaviors" like reaching enemies and sexual acts. Researchers point out the danger of enemies attacking with knives and guns during sexual activity. It is also mentioned that there is a tendency to operate machines equipped with complicated techniques such as fighting, car chases, brawls and nuclear technology.

by Valeria Boltneva
And the researchers discovered that James Bond meets at least 6 of the 11 items of alcoholism, defined by DSM - 5 mental illness classification and diagnostic guidance . Bond's employer MI 6 should fulfill its responsibilities as an employer, changing the drinking culture of the workplace and showing that it should support Secret Agent.
"The managers at MI 6 need to redefine their jobs to lower Bond's stress level, which requires on-site support and a team approach to ensure that responsibility does not confront him," researchers I am talking. In addition, this research was submitted to The MJA Christmas competition which competes a little unusual research.

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