An 18th century 'slave ship' 3D model movie is released, and it is possible to understand at a glance what kind of life slaves were forced on board

Trans-Atlantic-Slave Ship in 3D Video
More than 40,000 voyages were carried out between Africa and the United States between 1500 and 1867, and about 12.5 million slaves were transported as trade goods.

The Aurora is a slave ship that departed from France, La Rochelle, on August 28, 1784 to Africa.

Those captured in Africa were transported as slaves to Saint Dominic (now Haiti).

The aurora generated with the 3D model looks like this. The three sail columns are equipped with square sails, and a gun is also installed on the side of the hull.

The Aurora has two features unique to 18th century slave ships. One of the two chains installed on the upper deck. The male slave was connected to this chain and forced to work.

Another feature is the barricade. The Aurora was divided into 9-foot-high barricades on the bow and stern sides. The barricades were equipped with thorns to keep slaves from coming up and guns to prepare them in case of emergency.

It was an environment where male slaves were housed on the bow side and female slaves and children were housed on the stern side so that they could not even talk to each other.

The crew room is also stern side. Crew and slave meals were made in the kitchen near the room of the senior sailors. The food for slaves is twice a day, and the food given is mainly rice, beans and flour, and only 2 pints (1 liter) of water. At that time, it seems that many slaves died of dehydration.

As the sun goes down, slaves are threatened with guns and spears, and they are chained together in pairs and pushed into the lower cabin.

A pedestal is assembled on the wall of the cabin, and slaves are pushed into the pedestal above and below.

The space given per slave is only 14 inches (about 36 cm) to 18 inches (about 46 cm) wide and 30 inches (about 76 cm) high.

Most of the slaves went to bed, but they were given a space where they could only sit. The slaves spent about 14 hours from sunset to sunrise in this space for two to three months.

There is no record of how the slaves spent in the Aurora, but how was the slaves packed in the Mari seraphique (Marie Seraphic), which sailed at about the same time as the Aurora. A picture showing the is left. If you look at the image below, you can see that the space given to the slave was literally one minute in size, and could not even move. About 300 slaves were carried on the Marie Seraphic, and 600 more slaves were carried on the Aurora.

The slaves thus carried were sold to sugar and coffee farms.

Nicholas Redburne, a historian at Lancaster University who led the creation of the 3D model of the slave ship, said, “The blueprint of the slave ship alone is not enough to convey the reality of that time. and you can 'be to understand whether the slave ship of the time looks like commented .
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