'Kemono Friends' figure of Wonfes 2019 [Summer] in which Kururu and bags line up with smile

From the '
5-01-02 ' jumbo snails in' had There are a number of Friends.

Kururu-chan (3500 yen)

Kaban-chan (3500 yen)

The two co-star in 'Kemono Friends 2', but since Kabagan in Kemono Friends 2 had changed in shape, it did not line up together in this form.

Mini-sized caracal and serval that lively their two
Flame & Serval

Hashbill with wings spread

Lucky who supports the trip (500 yen)

Fennec holding a small Arai (3500 yen)

Fluffy Toki (3500 yen) in flight

Elk (3500 yen) holding arms firmly and holding firmly

Tatsunoko that's a bit wary

Tips on bright expressions Mekawasso (3000 yen)

7-20-09 '

Running on the back of a bag Takaban (9000 yen)

Serval who decided a pretty pose (9000 yen)

Another dynamic raccoon (9000 yen)

5-18-03 '

7-40-04 '

Among them, there was a set of serval & bag as kemono friends (3000 yen). Here too, I feel fine for Serval's pose.

4-06-04 '

8-17-14 ' Black Kazuho ' Toki (4000 yen) is colored and vivid.

7-20-02 '

8-22-09 '

Self-proclaimed 'Angel of the Desert'

6-27-20 “ CtrlZ ” was a foxtail (3000 yen). It has only appeared in Yukiyama machiho and looks like warm overall with Mokomoko.

Lucky beast of 8-29-11 '

6-14-05 '

Following the Fennec 2019 [Winter], Alpaca appeared this time. Alpaca hair is said to be warmer than wool, so it is a perfect character for amigurumi.

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