What is a 'Joke' carved in a pen discovered from an ancient Roman ruin?

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A joke is a wonderful thing that can haunt people and create fun times. It seems that jokes have brought pleasure to life since ancient times than people imagine, and it has been reported that an

iron brush engraved with ' a joke to be sent to a friend ' has been discovered from the ancient Roman ruins of nearly 2000 years old. You are

I'm Went to Rome and all I got you was this stylus! 'Rare written Roman implement implemented beneath Bloomberg's European HQ goes on display | MOLA

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It is the remains of ancient Romans in the financial district of London that found the inscribed jokes. The site was discovered by excavating a site for the construction of a new office building in Bloomberg , which deals with economic and financial information, and has been excavated by the London Archaeological Museum (MOLA).

Things excavated from the ruins include valuable writing boards that convey the life of the Roman period, including borrowing documents, advice letters, and a variety of other communications . It is excavated from the ruins also the iron brush that was used to engrave the letters on such writing board, but it is also found that not only the letters are engraved on the iron brush, but the content was a joke that was given to a friend It was done.

A total of more than 200 pencils were found from the ruins, but only one was found to be engraved at the time of writing. The era in which the writing brush was used was said to be around 70 AD, and it has a history of nearly 2000 years.

The following image seems to be an iron brush found, and its length is about 13 cm, which is similar to that of a modern pen. The character was difficult to read due to corrosion, but after being processed by the museum curator, the decoding and translation work was done by Roger Tomlin, a former scholar at Oxford University. .

As a result of deciphering, the iron brush 'I came from that city. I brought you a pointed souvenir to remind you of me. If my luck was better, this long way to go 'I was given more souvenirs for my empty wallet.'

This is a joke given by the sender of the gift and given to him, the sender implicitly admits that the pencil is a cheap gift. On the other hand, the research team says that they are offering laughter to their receiving hands as they joked that 'If this journey was short and I could afford more wallets, I would give them a joke.' I said.

According to the research team, the 'city' described in this sentence is probably Rome, and it has been suggested that this iron-brush has had a connection between people from Rome to London at that time. 'This is one of the most human relics of Roman times,' said Michael Marshall, an expert on Roman relics. I will comment.

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in Note, Posted by log1h_ik