Instagram is testing new features to check offensive comments as 'online bullying'

As a social network under Facebook, Instagram has announced that AI is judging the aggression of comments and testing new features that encourage contributors to reconsider comments. At the same time, Instagram has shown a strong fight against bullying on SNS, which has been considered a problem in recent years.
Our Commitment to Lead the Fight Against Online Bullying-Instagram
Instagram introduces new anti-bullying features instagram-mosseri-bullying-artificial-intelligence /
The new feature being tested by Instagram is to flag comments that were deemed aggressive by the AI before being posted, and ask the comment poster if they would like to reconsider their posts. Contributors can correct and post comments that are considered offensive by AI before posting. For example, in the following screen, AI actually responds to aggressive comments, and insists that 'Do you really want to post this?'

It will also test a feature called 'Restrict' that allows users to limit malicious comments. With this feature, restricted user comments and direct messages are completely invisible to other users including yourself, but only to the person who wrote the malicious comment. In other words, you will be able to mute a specific user without notifying the other person.

According to CNBC, as of January 2019, more than 500 million users use the story feature of Instagram a day, and the whole Instagram has 1 billion active users each month. If the problem of online bullying on a social network of this size is neglected, it will overwhelm Instagram's reputation and brand over time, CNBC analyzes.
According to CNBC's staff from the staff at Instagram, Adam Mosseli, who became head of Instagram in October 2018, says, 'Even if user usage declines, users will be protected from online bullying. I will make decisions, 'he said in an email to employees.

by TechCrunch
Instagram is the official blog, 'Our mission is to connect you and your favorite people and things, but for that you have to think that there is no resistance in expressing yourself in Instagram We know that bullying is a challenge faced by many, especially young people, and we promise to lead the industry in the fight against bullying online to fulfill that promise 'I'm rethinking the whole Instagram experience.'
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