'The Most Dangerous Tea House in the World' Movie Shows Extreme Life Experiences in Movies

There are people who enjoy the afternoon tea time at cafes everyday. However, the cafe located at the top of '

Hana ' which is considered to be one of the five great mountains in China, is a shop with a severe test that you have to go through a cliff to drink tea. However, the tea there is 'the best taste', and the way to the cafe is being published on YouTube.

The Journey to the World's Most Remote Teahouse-YouTube

The Mt. Huashan, known as a scenic spot, is composed of five mountains: Nanfeng, Beifeng, Zhongfeng, Dongfeng, and Xifeng. The highest peak of Nanfeng is 2154 m. The Taoist temple on the summit has been over 1000 years old.

Taoism has the phrase 'drinking tea means tasting life'.

Born in 1975, Zhihong Yang started work on a porter carrying luggage on the summit of Mt. Huashan in 1996.

Luggage carried by Mr. Yang are daily necessities such as food, drinks and daily necessities.

Mt. Huashan climbs up to about one million people a year.

Yang is helping porters with directions during the porter's work.

Most of the mountain trails of Mount Hua are stairs.

If you take on Mt. Hana, you will find that this path is a difficult road.

For such climbers, Mr. Yang encourages me, 'Look at me, you won't get tired.'

It is no exaggeration to say that most climbers are hand-held compared to the porters Yang who carry heavy luggage.

Porter's work starts at 7am in the morning from the foot of Mt.

It takes 20 minutes by the world's longest class ropeway with a length of more than 4 km on the west peak of 2082 m in height.

The ropeway entrance at the top of the North Peak, 1614m high, overlooks the natural cliffs 60m high.

Mt. Huashan's mountain trail is only 1 m wide at the narrowest part.

The path of that part is, of course, scary.

In such a narrow mountain trail, you need to walk sideways with your body at an angle.

Beyond that path, Yang delivers luggage to the top temple.

At the top of the temple is a Taoist monk

Taoist we live.

Taoists pray, burn incense, wish good luck ...

Helps the tourist read the fortune and promises peace.

Huashan has its own 'tea culture'.

At the Taoist temple of Huashan, emphasis is placed on 'drinking and enjoying'. In other words, it is about taking part in discussing Taoism while drinking tea.

The aroma of the tea is light and the taste is bitter. When you drink it, your thirst gets wet and it works for heat stroke.

The tea you drink at the top of Mt. Hana tastes great.

The view from the top of the mountain makes me forget my worries, and when I look at it I feel relaxed and feel better.

Mr Yang says he takes pride in his difficult task of carrying luggage to the top of Mt. Huashan. Thanks to a porter like Mr. Yang, you can drink delicious tea at the summit.

In addition, Mt. Hua is also referred to as “the world's most dangerous hiking trail”, and the following movie actually shows the hiking scene from the first person viewpoint. It is not clear yet that it is good to use the pastoral language of 'hike', but it is an image that the heart is likely to shrink just by looking.

World's Most Dangerous Hiking Trail on Mount Huashan-YouTube

in Video,   Junk Food, Posted by darkhorse_log