Creative work professionals have different brain activities than normal people

Work professionals who are questioned as 'creative' abilities such as writers, designers, artists, actors, film directors, etc., when researching that the area of 'back inside default mode network' is activated when the ability is announced It has been.
PsycNET-Creative expertise is associated with transcending the here and now.
Creative Types Reserve a Special Corner of the Brain for Dreaming Big-Scientific American
A research team led by Meghan Meyer, an assistant professor of brain science and psychology at Dartmouth University, conducted several experiments to investigate the relationship between 'creativity and the brain.'
The first experiment was to confirm that 'creative professionals are really creative?' And the award winning experience of 300 randomly selected artists, writers, actors, film directors and visual artists The subjects were 100 professionals with creative work and 100 celebrities in finance, law and medicine. The question to confirm creativity is: 'What will happen to the world in 500 years?' 'If the lands of the world are connected to one, how will the world change?' 'If you are short-tempered What if you were a dictator? ”Or if you try to use the ideas of“ Please mention how to use the pen as much as possible ”and“ Indicate as much as possible how to improve the megaphone ”.
As a result of the experiment, it has been confirmed that creative work professionals are superior in clearly describing the quality of answers and their imagination.

Based on this result, the research team considered that “creative work professionals have an excellent site in the brain?”, And using fMRI , the professional brain of creative work and the brain activity of general people We conducted a survey on sexuality.
The subjects selected were 27 creative professionals and 26 ordinary people as a control group. Each subject was given a scan of the brain with fMRI and continued with the task of 'imagining the future.' As a result of the experiment, when imagining the near future, there was almost no difference in brain activity between the professional and the control group, but when imagining the distant future, in the professional brain “ It turns out that the part called 'the back side default mode network' is activated.
The “ Default Mode Network ” is the part shown in red in the following image, which extends widely over the brain, including the medial prefrontal cortex , anterior cingulate cortex , posterior cingulate cortex , inferior parietal lobe , and your emotions and the psychology of others.・ It is a part activated when thinking about emotion, or the past and the future.

The 'backside default mode network' is the part on the back side and the inside of the default mode network, and creative work professionals continue to operate this part even after entering a break. On the other hand, subjects in the control group seem to have seen almost no activation of this part.
Daniel Schacter, Professor at Harvard University, an expert on human memory and brain mechanisms, said, “The back-to-back default mode network is the part that comes into play when thinking things from a perspective different from their own experiences. For this reason, a person who can activate this part of the brain may be a thoughtful person who has empathy for others and can think about future children's influence even when making a political decision. And commented.
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log