The largest oil major has predicted climate change due to global warming 40 years ago

In May 2019, the concentration of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, surpassed 415 ppm and recorded the highest ever observed in history. In fact, the largest oil major in the US, ExxonMobil has misled public opinion for corporate profit while making accurate forecasts that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will rise to critical levels with fossil fuels for 40 years ago It turned out that the campaign which led to the direction was done.
Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago | InsideClimate News
Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago-Scientific American
The Compost | 05.20.2019 #ExxonKnew

According to Exxon's (PDF file)
Since the 1970s, Exxon has hired top researchers to study carbon dioxide sampling and build a rigorous climate model to study global warming. In addition, Exxon spends a large amount of money to investigate how much carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean, and he is doing scientific research on climate change at an unprecedented level.
In 1978, a researcher named James Black reported to Exxon executives that climate change was caused by carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels, and sea level rise and adverse effects on agriculture were predicted. about. Black argued that in 1978, 'action should be taken within the last 10 years' to stop the rise in carbon dioxide levels.

Exxon has been continuing research on global warming and so on, but after James Hansen , a NASA scientist, advocated global warming in 1988, Exxon has made scientific questions on the basis of global warming. Develop a hit campaign. In response to the movement to reduce greenhouse gases, we supported the creation of the Global Climate Coalition , a lobby group that is openly challenging.
As a result, Exxon's efforts have succeeded in slowing international efforts against global warming, with countries such as the United States, China, and India refusing to ratify the Kyoto Protocol . Although it was aware of global warming as of 1978, Exxon has provided a large amount of money to think tanks that deny climate change, and has disseminated misconceptions about global warming to the world.
Climatologist Michael Mann said that now is the time for companies and the public to postpone measures to combat global warming.

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