Here's how the “Elevator Man” operates a birdcage-like elevator that rides on Hawaii's oldest manual elevator that seems to slip in 1912

An elevator operating from 1912 with the nickname 'Birdcage' exists on Oahu, Hawaii. As shown by the name of the birdcage, this elevator is only framed, and while the elevator is in operation, the appearance from inside to outside is visible. Since the elevator is a manual operation, 'Elevator Man' is stationed, so I actually went to check the retro taste that would not seem like in 2019.

I tried riding on Hawaii's oldest manual elevator-YouTube

Hawaii's oldest elevator is located in the downtown area near Blaisdell Hotel . The address is '1152 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu, HI 96813' and is close to Hawaii Pacific University.

It's an open street like this ......

A cute hotel with a yellow wall.

The letters on the sign were disappearing, but when you look at it, it says 'Blaisdell Hotel'.

It is a room above the second floor of the building, but there is a shop on the first floor so you can eat what you bought on the open terrace.

The entrance to the hotel looks like this.

The front side is the reception, and it feels quite kind, but the chandelier is suspended, and the classical interior and the open atmosphere are fused.

I asked the person at the reception desk, 'Do you want to see the elevator?' It is an elevator that exists in the shadow of the door. When the bellows-type door is closed, the elevator is in operation ...

When not working, the door is open. Since the elevator is manual, an operator must be present. The picture shows Javier “Javi” Fombellida, who works as an “elevator man” who moves the elevator for 19 years.

When I asked if I could get in, I got an OK, so I went to the elevator.

The ceiling is chandelier style. It has colorful lights and it looks like an amusement park parade.

The surroundings are mirrored, so it's fantastic to see the lights.

This is the handle for operating the elevator.

Next to the steering wheel there is an indicator that says B, 1, 2, 3, 4, and the illuminated part is the floor where you want the elevator.

When the light comes on, Mr. Fombellida turns the steering wheel and the elevator starts moving.

You can see how Fombellida is moving the elevator from the following movie.

I tried riding on Hawaii's oldest manual elevator-YouTube

When Mr. Fombellida moves the steering wheel left and right several times ...

The elevator starts for a few seconds.

Because the door is a skeleton, each floor is visible as the elevator goes up. You should not have the experience to be able to see each floor that flows too much from inside the elevator. It's like a strange feeling as if you were in the movie.

The elevator that was being raised by Fombellida's operation starts to go down. The movement is like an attraction.

It is this elevator that you can see the outside from inside as well as paintings on the walls between floors.

Go down further to the basement floor.

...... And this man who moved the elevator like an attraction is Fombellida. 81 years old Fombellida has been an elevator man since 2000. Fombellida, who was born in Cuba, moved to the United States during the Cuban Revolution, and after working as a mechanical engineer for about 20 years, came to Hawaii with his family and applied for a job for the elevator man that he saw in the newspaper. Since then, Mr. Fombellida has been working as an elevator man for nearly 20 years.

It is said that the elevator of Blaisdell Hotel is also used as an advertisement like this. Certainly it was a fantastic atmosphere, a truly unique elevator with an unforgettable experience.

in Coverage,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log