Independent production film depicting the battle and distress of Darth Vader that has been played over 980 million times 'VADER EPISODE 1: SHARDS OF THE PAST'

In the popular science fiction saga 'Star Wars', a self-produced movie ' VADER EPISODE 1: SHARDS OF THE PAST ' is released by fans, with the top-ranked Darth Vader standing as the leading role. This movie, which drew the ailing and lonely battle of Darin Vader, Anakin Skywalker, whose life was drawn in episodes I to VI, in a quality that would not seem like a fan-made, this movie is at the time of writing the article The number of plays has already increased to over 980,000 times.
The movie begins with the classic 'Star Wars' series opening, 'A long time ago, in a faraway galaxy.'

'Annakin Skywalker has died. For eight months Darth Vader has obeyed the orders of the Galactic Empire Emperor Palpatine. Some fear the empire, some find hope in the empire, but Darth Vader himself 'They were just in pain' is the background of this movie.

Imperial army soldier who blows blaster towards Darth Vader.

However, it does not work at all before Darth Vader's Lightsaber.

Darth Vader tightens the soldier's neck with a force.
When heavy infantry with Z-6 rotary blaster cannon sweeps light bullets at once ...

It seems that Darth Vader struggles with overwhelming barrage.

I will drop the light saver.

However, Darth Vader fixes a light bullet fired by the force in the air ...

Bounce all at once to wipe out enemies.

Darth Vader tightens the neck of Shive Palpatine and

'Why didn't save her? I've created an empire for you! I have not kept anything promised to me, it has nothing to do with Jedi!'

However, Darth Sidious fires a shock, saying 'It's a stupid guy, your fate is important for Padmea!'

In the battle, memories from the days of Anakin Skywalker will be reproduced.

Anakin boy who received the amulet from Padme.

Darth Vader has fallen into the dark side of the Force, but his love for Padme has been forever in his mind.

Darth Vader who calls Padme's name and gently embraces him.

However, Padme's illusion coldly pushes Darth Vader with the voice of Darth Sidious, 'So you can not beat me!'

Daring Sidious throws Force blitz while laughing with 'You are slave forever!' Darth Vader did not get out of the rule of mind by Darth Sidious.

Darth Vader who headed to the planet Naboo, home of Padme, under the life of Darth Sidious. Will it be produced and released after Episode 2 where even more severe destiny awaits?

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