Unveiled that Nokia's smartphone was sending device data to China, Nokia officially admits

NRK beta, a technology blog of Norwegian national broadcaster NCR, has revealed that Nokia's smartphone has transmitted personal information of users including location information to China without permission. In response to this, to expand the 'Nokia' brand of smartphone HMD Global (HMD) is a statement on the company's home page announcement , and was admitted this matter officially.
Norske telefoner sendte personopplysninger til Kina
HMD admits the Nokia 7 Plus was sending personal data to China | Ars Technica
[Updated] HMD Global Responds to the Nokia 7 Plus User Data Controversy-GSMArena.com news
◆ History of discovery
It is known that Nokia 7 Plus was sending personal information to China and continued to send personal information to China for at least several months. The trigger was that NRKbeta reader Henrik Ostad noticed that the terminal was sending and receiving information to an external server while monitoring the traffic of his terminal. Since the data was not encrypted, Ostad confirmed the contents, and the smartphone confirmed that the data such as ' IMEI (terminal identification number)' ' MAC address ' ' ICCID (SIM card identification number)' is 'vnet.cn It was discovered that it was sent to the domain ''. When NRKbeta contacted the contact information in this domain, it turned out that it was found that the Chinese state-owned company China Telecom (China Telecom) was the owner. Data transmission is performed not only when the power is turned on, but also every time the screen is turned on or unlocked, and the data also includes the ID of the nearest cell tower (radio relay tower). There is also a possibility that all information such as when and where the user who suffered the damage was was missed.

by Twitter Trends 2019
◆ Support of Nokia
HMD Global (HMD), which develops smartphones of the Nokia brand, has posted a statement acknowledging this on its official site. In a statement, HMD admits that the data was being sent, and in February 2019 stated that security fixes have been delivered and addressed. While allowing data transmission, he completely denied that the data contained information that could be used to identify individuals. However, Reyello Arnio, a government data protection ombudsman in HMD's headquarters in Finland, told NRKbeta interviews that the data sent to China this time may be personal information, the EU It is stated that it is considering conducting an open investigation on this matter on suspicion of violation of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). In response, HMD responded that they would cooperate in all surveys.
◆ Reasons for sending data to China
According to HMD, the problem is that the wrong client app for activation for China was installed on the affected terminal. NRKbeta sees that the client app is for China, as China is becoming the most important market for Nokia. The problem Nokia 7 Plus, which was launched in China in the first quarter of 2018, was a success with 250,000 units sold out in 5 minutes. NRKbeta has asked the HMD, 'The purpose of taking measures to facilitate data collection in the first place is to make smartphone sales in China advantageous', but the HMD has not been answered ... apparently ...
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