The finding that the brain continues to grow leads to the possibility of treating Alzheimer's disease

In the article published in 2018 by the international scientific journal ' Nature ', in the field of learning, memory, etc., the issue of whether the nerve cells 'neurons' that make up the brain continue to be born even as adults grow up 'There is a negative opinion that' If you grow up to some extent, new neurons will not be born '. In the latest article published in March 2019, a related magazine ' Nature Medicine ' published by Nature on the question 'Does the growth of the brain stop?', The opinion that 'adult brain also grows new neurons' is renewed It is asserted.
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is abundant in neurologically healthy subjects and drops sharply in patients with Alzheimer's disease | Nature Medicine
The Adult Brain Does Grow New Neurons After All, Study Says-Scientific American
An article in 2018 states that 'one study is increasing hundreds of neurons every day,' and another study says fewer studies, saying 'the adult human hippocampus continues to generate new neurons.' It is strange to accept the conclusion that 'the number of neurons increases' by noticing the discrepancy. In addition, the number of neurons generated in the 'dentate gyrus' of the hippocampus region, which is also focused on in connection with learning and memory and is associated with mental illness, decreases rapidly from the time of birth and is not continuously generated in adults It was asserted in the paper that it only happens infrequently.

Researchers who published the article in 2019 say that the hippocampus is related to mental diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, 'if new neurons are generated in the hippocampus, it leads to treatment of mental diseases', 'adult hippocampal nerve We are paying close attention to “occurrence”.
This study, conducted by a Spanish research team, examined the differences between the method of preservation of the brain tissue of the newly killed 58 people and the resulting changes. The author of the dissertation, Professor Maria Lawrence Martin of the Madrid Autonomous University , said, 'The brain tissue will be destroyed within a few hours of death unless cells are properly stored using specific chemicals etc. 'We've missed cells that were destroyed after death by targeting brain tissue that wasn't stored accurately,' says

Professor Martin realized in 2010 that it was important to preserve the brain correctly, and began carefully storing brain samples. As a result of examining the brains of people who died without problems in memory and those who died in various stages of Alzheimer's disease, the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease show only a few new neurons in the hippocampus, and We found that the brains with advanced disease had fewer signs.
Although this study does not directly indicate that the brain continues to generate new neurons, it is thought that the decline in memory ability is due to the decreased ability to generate new neurons and also in the living brain It suggests that finding out how neurons are generated can also prevent Alzheimer's disease.
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in Science, Posted by log1e_dh