Six ways to live optimistically

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There are optimists who think that "there is still half" and pessimists who say that "there is only half" when we see a glass with half-poured drinks in the world. Optimists are generally healthy and tend to stand up when they encounter difficult situations. Sheryl Butler, who has published over 500 episodes on the online radio channel “ Mighty Mommy, ” has introduced five ways to become such optimism on various family issues such as childcare and health.
6 Ways to Be More Optimistic
◆ 1: Understanding the benefits of optimism <br> Psychology news reporting Psychology Today 's article "Four Reasons for Optimistic Prospects for Health" says the results of a 50+ year survey Optimistic people are healthy , live long , and found to have a relationship between cardiovascular health and optimism. Also, the optimism's recovery rate in heart bypass surgery and the survival rate of patients with head and neck cancer are not definitive about the relationship between optimism and health, but optimists are healthier. He has a strong interest, is not dependent on tobacco and alcohol, and has a high quality of sleep. In addition, there is a tendency to strive without despair in the face of illness or accident, and it is believed that optimists have many friends who can help in times of trouble.

By Alexas_Fotos
◆ 2: Overwrite negative thinking <br> People who always compare themselves with others or who feel that they must please everyone in the world may tend to think things negatively I will. The psychologist Dr. Melanie Greenberg is a person who tends to take a pessimistic way of thinking, stopping perfectionism, giving priority to himself over others, and affirming his life. It is recommended to do .

By Johannes Plenio
◆ 3: Limit bad habit <br> If you are serious about living a positive life, it is important to think about what is blocking you. Butler argues that you should work on the important things without delaying the internet surfing and social media travel. It is important to quit a bad lifestyle in order to get an optimistic life.

By guvo59
◆ 4: Be aware of health <br> People are more likely to be optimistic when they are healthier than unhealthy. Ensuring adequate sleeping time, exercising properly and eating healthy are easy in nature, but are often delayed. It is important to create your own time, because if you put your health back, it will not only be for yourself but also for your surroundings . Going for a walk and having time to keep your passion, such as having time for your hobbies, is important to stay optimistic.

By bruce mars
◆ 5: Practice "Thankfulness" "Thankfulness" is a good thing for yourself and helps with optimistic thinking. According to Dr. Harvey B. Simon's article " Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier (" Give me "makes you happier"), there are the following ways to practice gratitude: .
・ Look at the beauty of the setting sun, the flow of water, and a small kindness that others will bring to you.
-Write 5 or 10 pieces of gratitude in your diary before going to bed every night.
• Write down a letter of thanks to one of you each week, taking note of those who made you feel positive. Occasionally send a letter of thanks to you.
・ Drink drinks to others in the red, tidy up the cart of someone in the supermarket parking lot, praise or kindly smile on strangers.
Dr. Simon says, "Giving others gives you an optimistic mindset, enjoys a good experience, improves health, withstands adversity, and helps build a good relationship with others." You

◆ 6: Visualize Good Results <br> One way to increase optimism is to visualize good results. According to a psychological study, " Look on the Bright Side ," I imagined the situation that "I worked hard and succeeded and achieved all the goals of my life." It is known that people become optimistic when they write a composition called “Possible Self (BPS)” to visualize their dreams.

By Victor Freitas
According to Butler, these optimistic ways were actually helpful for your mental health during the hard times of parenting.
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