Prototype of iPhone is stolen from Apple and back trade at high price

Motherboard revealed that hackers are getting a prototype iPhone that leaked out of Apple to break through the security of the iPhone.

The Prototype iPhones That Hackers Use to Research Apple's Most Sensitive Code - Motherboard

Hackers using stolen iPhone prototypes to probe security and develop iOS exploits

The back traded iPhone is a prototype of the iPhone that flowed out of the factory and development room and is called "dev-fused (with development cable)" because it is analyzed using special cable. Normally iOS is encrypted by the Secure Enclave Processor (SEP) , making reverse engineering impossible. However, in "dev-fused" SEP has been invalidated, it is much easier to examine the inside than the Jailbreak ( jailbreak) version, as well as the iPhone which is on the market in general as a product It is also possible to analyze whether security works like so. For this reason, security companies and researchers worldwide as well as hackers are trying to get "dev-fused" to find zero day vulnerabilities .

"Dev - fused" is stolen from Apple 's development department and Foxconn ' s factory in Shenzhen, sold out in bundled sentences and then traded via Twitter etc. Price varies according to model and security level, iPhone 6 is $ 1,300 (about 145,000 yen), iPhone 8 Plus is $ 5000 (about 560,000 yen) in one example · iPhone XR's price is $ 20,000 (about 223 Ten thousand yen) and it is.

Victor Oreshkin, an iOS security researcher, told Motherboard's interview "To be honest it is thanks to Apple's poor supply chain management."

in Note,   Software,   Hardware, Posted by log1l_ks