What was the most played game on Steam in the past 4 years? Two games boasting overwhelming popularity highlighted

by Glenn Carstens-Peters
" Steam ", which plays a solid position as a platform for PC games, has an average of 47 million active users per day, the number of active users per month is 90 million, and the number of simultaneous connected users at peak time is 18.5 million I leave a tremendous number of people. A movie that briefly summarizes " Steam game which was played for four years" from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018 in such Steam has been released.
Top 15 Steam Games by Daily Player Count (2015-2018) - YouTube
The movie shows the top 15 "most played games on Steam" in the ranking format for the whole 4 years from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018. As of January 1, 2015 the most players were playing " Dota 2 ", how wonderful the number of players on this day is about 830,000. Since the number of connected people of the whole Steam on the day (number on the lower right of the screen) is about 8.2 million people, it is calculated that one in ten played Dota 2.

Six months later as of June 1, 2015 it will look like this. " Counter-Strike: Global Offensive " in Dota 2, 2nd in the 1st place is immovable, but " Grand Theft Auto V " released in April 2015 in 3rd place is ranked in .

Another six months after January 1, 2016 is this way. Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: The fact that the number of players is considerably different from the game with Global Offensive below 3 is the same as before, but the number of players of Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive It is characterized by approaching. " Fallout 4 " was released in November 2015, and it is playing in the top three at a stretch as it is. In addition, the number of connectors of the whole Steam exceeded 10 million people.

On June 1, 2016, " Total War: WARHAMMER " ranked third. Basically the first place Dota 2 and the second place Counter - Strike: Global Offensive have gained completely immovable status, and the other games are ranking up the rankings.

On 1st January 2017 Grand Theft Auto V has again increased the number of players ......

On June 1, 2017, " PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG)" appeared. Although the release date of the official version is December 2017, distribution of the early access version has been started by Steam on March 24, and it is often that he had the number of players who will outpace other games as of the same year I understand.

The number of players is about 470,000 on August 1, two months after that, and it approaches the number of players of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive which is the second place which did not let other games be brought back.

And early in August, we skipped Counter - Strike: Global Offensive early in the number of players ......

I just overtook Dota 2 which was immovable first place by the end of August with the momentum as it is.

The surprising point of PUBG is that it places the number of players all the time. In October 2017, it reached more than 1.5 million, exceeding the number of players per day which is the highest record of Dota 2 until then, about 1 million. In Steam where the number of connected users exceeded 14 million people, PUBG is played at a rate of 1 or more in 10 people, and more surprisingly, this is the "timing before the official release".

On January 1, 2018, about 3 million people play PUBG on Steam alone. During the same year the number of players on 1 day will exceed 3 million people. Before PUBG appeared Dota 2 which constantly had 80 to 1 million players, but since PUBG appeared, the number of players has been reduced to about 60 to 700 thousand.

However, as the gamers' PUBG fever also declined as a result of June 1, 2018, six months later, the number of players settled to more than 1.5 million, which is about half of the peak level ......

In October we cut 1 million people and gradually reduce the number of players.

In November, the number of PUBGs in the 1st place, Dota 2 in the 2nd place, Counter - Strike: Global Offensive in the 3rd place is quite close ... ...

Counter - Strike: Global Offensive will exceed the number of players in Dota 2 for the first time in the measurement period in mid - December.

However, in the second half of December Dota 2 reversed immediately.

And finally the "Top 15 most played on Steam" on 31 December 2018 became as follows. Although PUBG in 1st place temporarily stopped 1 million players at the end of the year, it had recovered the number of players to over 1 million at the end of the year, Dota 2 which was immovable to PUBG appearance about the number of players 660,000 people, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive shows that it is a game that is loved by a lot of players for about 620,000 people.

The movie was created by TheRankings , and it seems that Game and Player Statistics published by Steam is the source of data.
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