A legendary drug-king El-Chapo explores the mechanism used to jailbreak, smuggle and escape by digging 'tunnel' in the movie

The Mexican drug trafficking and smuggling organization Sinaloa Cartel is the largest criminal organization in Mexico and has expanded its influence outside Mexico. Joaquin Guzman, the senior executive of Sinaloa · Cartel, also known as " El Chapo " , was successful not only to smuggle drugs but also to jail from prison using the tunnel, but El Chapo A movie to explain the use of the tunnel for drug smuggling, trafficking and jailbreak has been released on YouTube.
El Chapo's drug tunnels, explained
El Chapo, also known as "the greatest drug king in history", is a person on the surveillance camera installed in a prison cell.

In 2015, El Chapo, the world's most influential drug trafficker ... ...

I succeeded in escaping from the prison. In the video recorded on the surveillance camera, it seems as if El Chapo had disappeared into the shower behind the screens.

However, El Chapo just disappeared from within the prison, and "We are the most affluent and infamous narcotics in the world escaped from jail", so we have made noise around the world.

How exactly did El Chapo succeed in jailbreak from a cell ... ...

El Chapo dug a hole on the floor of the space to take a shower and ran away from there.

The Sinaloa cartel is a very cruel drug trafficking organization and has been said to have killed thousands of people in Mexico.

The conflict between the drug organization and the authorities and the conflicting drug organization has also been called "drug war", causing torture and mass murder, but it is not violence that makes El Chapo unique.

The system that El Chapo grew up as a drug organization grown up and succeeded in the great jailbreak of 2015 was the tunnel.

In 1990, a strange thing was found in Douglas, Arizona, along the border between Mexico and the United States.

It was a tunnel dug from Mexico to America to carry drugs.

Federal investigators seemed surprised when entering the tunnel.

The length of the tunnel was 300 feet (about 90 m), the electricity passed through and the interior was illuminated with lights.

Moving the hydraulic lift ......

It was a mechanism to open a secret entrance in the hideout.

This tunnel, as if it appears in a spy movie, was designed by an architect cooperating with El Chapo.

In the 1980 's, drug trafficking to the United States was mainly cocaine smuggled via the Caribbean Sea, but because of crackdown in the United States the Caribbean route did not work well.

So the route to Mexico was the main route for drug smuggling to the US, but just around that time El Chapo launched a drug organization in Mexico.

The coca tree which is the raw material of cocaine was cultivated mainly in South America ... ...

Marijuana was cultivated near mountain ranges on the west coast of Mexico.

In addition, poppies, which are raw materials for opium and heroin , are also produced in almost the same area.

In Sinaloa, where the Sinaloa Cartel is headquartered, both marijuana and poppy are cultivated.

Marijuana is bulky and heavy, and it smells strong, but ...

El Chapo was able to smuggle a large amount of marijuana across the border at once by using the tunnel.

El Chapo's Sinaloa cartel expands its power by 2010, and it is also under the influence of Sinaloa Cartel along the border with the United States.

And the important point for the smuggling of the Sinaloa cartel is the Otay Mesa area along the Mexican border in San Diego , California.

There are three reasons why Otay Mesa became an important point for El Chapo. First, one is Tijuana, which is the transportation base of Mexico side, and San Diego which is the transportation base of the United States, close to two cities. If I could carry drugs gathered at Tijuana to the other side of the border ...

Through San Diego's brokers, you can carry drugs all over the country at once.

Next, there are airports in Tijuana and industrial areas spread to Otay Mesa. There is a lot of traffic and noise, so there is less danger of catching drugs even if they are carrying drugs.

Finally the soil around Otay Mesa was an important point for the Sinaloa cartel. The west of Otay Mesa faces the sea, the soil is weak ... ...

The hard soil spreads in the mountains in the east.

Otay Mesa is located in the middle of it, and it is said that the tunnel is difficult to collapse, while the ground can easily be digged manually, it is a perfect soil for tunnel excavation.

In 2010, an American investigator found a tunnel dug in Otay Mesa.

Inside is equipped with electric lighting and ventilation system ......

During construction, we removed the internal debris, and even after the construction we had rails which were seen as being used for the transport of drugs.

Large tunnels were found one after another after that.

Although tunnel construction is expected to cost several months and cost hundreds of millions of yen, the tunnel is worth it. By using a large tunnel smugglers will be able to carry a large amount of drugs in one stroke and it will be possible to gain huge profits.

The Sinaloa cartel tends to make an entrance to the tunnel under the floor of the bathroom or the toilet ......

Deeply dug tunnels can not be detected easily. In the vicinity of the ground, it seems that the entrance becomes very difficult to understand by camouflage.

Also, it was not just smuggling of drugs that El Chapo used the tunnel. When the Mexican authorities raided El Chapo's retreat in Sinaloa in 2014 ......

El Chapo fled from the tunnel hidden under the bathroom.

Eventually it was detained in a few days, but El Chapo was digging a tunnel as a means of escape from a hideout.

And one year after being sent to El Altiplano prison ... ...

I used a tunnel to jailbreak.

It was considered the largest tunnel dug by Sinaloa cartel, and the exit of the tunnel was made in the place about 0.7 mile (1.1 km) away from the prison.

From the fact that there was nothing in the place until one year before the jailbreak, you can see that the Sinaloa cartel had built a building that camouflaged the exit solely to jailbreak El Chapo.

A motorcycle is brought under the tunnel, and it seems that El Chapo moved in the tunnel in only 10 minutes.

El Chapo tends to be partly popularized as "a poor-saving ritual", and in Sinaloa, people also saw the celebrations celebrating jailbreak.

However, in 2016 El Chapo's retreat was again attacked by the authorities, and El Chapo was restrained again.

Again, El Chapo fled to the sewer using the tunnel hidden behind the mirror ... ...

It seems that El Chapo that appeared from manhole was arrested without problems.

At the time of writing the article, El Chapo has been transferred to the United States for a trial in New York.

When El · Chapo is transferred to the court it is said that a strict regulation is put on.

However, even though El Chapo is detained, the crime by the organization left by El Chapo will never cease. Two tunnels were discovered in 2018 ... ...

It seems that even one tunnel discovered during the construction was equipped with a ventilation system that operates using sunlight.

Still in Mexico the murder and conflict by narcotic organizations are constantly in danger, and it continues to be extremely dangerous.

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