Nintendo officially denies the possibility of 'Kupa Hime'

In " New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe " game for Nintendo Switch released on January 11, 2019, " Kinopico " is newly added as a playable character. An item called "Super Crown" appeared in this Kinopiko limited, and when I get this, Kinopiko turns into a kinopiti, but a fan who knew about this will say, "If Koppa also gets a super crown it can peach Princess What is it? ", The secondary creation character that was born is" Bowsette (princess princess) ". Nintendo has officially denied the possibility of this Princess Kupa being born.

Bowsette is canceled, sorry horny Nintendo fans

After the existence of super crown which can transform kinopico into kinopitch became clear, @ ayyk92 of Twitter user posted fan art which "getting a super crown gets peaching Princess Koppa will peach princess" fan art, and between mario fans It became a big topic.

Searching with " #Bowsette " or " # Koppa Hime " will display countless fan art and cosplay photos, so you can see the height of its popularity.

However, on the overseas official website of New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, it was discovered that the peaching by Super Crown was once again emphasized that it was only Kinopiko, "The possibility of Kupa Hime is denied It has become a hot topic.

New Super Mario Bros. ™ U Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch ™ home gaming system - Characters

Click on the above URL to jump to the character introduction page on New Overseas Official Site of New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe. There is an item introduction column at the bottom of the page, and clicking on "Super Crown" from among them will add "Sorry Luigi - only Toadette can use this item! (Sorry, Luigi, so that only Kinoopiko can use Super Crown You can see the description "It's getting!"

Mashable of overseas media "Nintendo is obviously aware that fans are crazy about Princess Kuppa, and Mario is a family oriented brand by officially stating that" Kinopico alone can use super crown " I emphasized once again that "

in Game, Posted by logu_ii