The first Macintosh user manual that appeared in 1984

The first model of Macintosh (Mac) developed and sold by Apple is " Macintosh 128K " which appeared in 1984. Peter Merholz has published the user manual that came with that Macintosh 128K and you can see a beautiful and sophisticated design that you can not believe it was made more than 30 years ago.
Thoughts on (and pics of) the original Macintosh User Manual -
Peter Merholz | Flickr
Peter Merholz, who accidentally found and purchased the Macintosh 128K user manual on eBay. The first thing that surprised me when I looked at the user's manual was that we arranged a full-color large picture that made the image appear at the beginning of each chapter of the manual.
Chapter 1: Learning Machintosh (Learn about Macintosh)

Chapter 2: Finding Out More About Machintosh (Learn more about Macintosh)

Chapter 3: Using Finder (using the Finder)

Chapter 4: Reference (Reference)

Chapter 5: Adding To Your Macintosh System (Add to your Macintosh)

Chapter 6: Taking Care of Your Macintosh (Caring for Your Macintosh)

Appendixes (Appendix)

Also, except for Chapter 5, Merholz said that all photos are "using white men using computers as models". In the user manual of Macintosh 128K, models such as women, black people and yellow race are not used, but in the advertisement movie of iPhone XS which appeared in 2018 after more than 30 years, various people regardless of race and sex Has appeared, and the change of the times is felt.
iPhone XS - To the Big World - Apple - YouTube
As in the cover photo of Chapter 6, there was a carrying case for carrying on the Macintosh 128K. The page of the carrying case is as follows.

"Introduction" page on the first page of the user manual. The monitor part of the Macintosh 128K that appears on this page is reflecting, and from that time Apple had incorporated visual effects such as reflections in advertisement photographs, Merholz.

The Macintosh 128K is Apple's first PC that appeared in the 1980s when the personal computer (PC) started spreading widely, so in the user manual seriously about the foundation in the foundation of PC operation which can not be considered in the modern era There are also pages to explain.
The following page is a page that explains "click and drag" with the mouse.

The following page is a page describing the scroll bar which became widely known in modern times. The etymology is "scroll" which means scrolls, it says that it displays information on the screen of the Macintosh so as to cut a portrait page (black bold line) to read scrolls.

Also, when you copy and save text data, it explains carefully how changes in data are reflected.

Merholz 's "most strange explanation" is said to be about Finder. Apple explained that "Finder is like a corridor in the middle of the house called Macintosh", and we are looking at each room in the house for each application that can be used on the Macintosh. As Finder looks at the disc, it says that Finder is responsible for connecting each application in the Macintosh, like a corridor connecting each room in the house.

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