Demonstration at the ISS of a spherical robot 'Cimon' that supports the work of astronauts and also serves as a talker is like this

A spherical robot " Cimon (Simon) " is being developed to support astronauts working at the International Space Station (ISS). A demonstration of how Cimon interacts with the astronauts at ISS is being released on YouTube, which is being developed by understanding the astronaut's words and reading to the emotions until they are caught by a lonely astronaut. I will.
Horizons science - Cimon - YouTube
It is Mr. Aleksander Gerst, an astronaut who is staying at ISS to talk to "Cimon, get up".

"Face" appears on the display, it seems that Cimon has got up. "We are waiting for your order," Cimon replied.

"Hi, What is your name?" "My name is Cimon."

"Cimon, where did you come from?" "I came from Friedrichs Constance Lake, a nice place," a conversation between the astronaut and Cimon began.

"Cimon, what are you doing for me?"

Cimon is a job supporting astronauts' activities at the ISS and can receive instructions and advise. Also, if you wish, you can also have a conversation.

"We will soon have a Cimon on the floor," Mr. Gerst told the staff to watch operations from the earth.

Mr. Gerst slowly separates Cimon which was fixed to the rod and floats in the air.

Cimon has a posture control function and it seems that it can keep its posture even in the air.

"Cimon, rotate 90 degrees in the yaw direction" and command it ...

Cimon rotated 90 degrees horizontally. When Mr. Gerst speaks "It is very good", "I like what it likes most", Cimon.

"Cimon, will you help me with the work procedure?" "Which procedure should I support?"

"Helping Airport Crystalliznation Procedure"

Cimon will support the specified work procedure while using display display. In the development of Cimon, supporting astronauts' activities in ISS is one of the major objectives.

In response to the question "What equipment do I need?" Cimon replied, "I am sorry, I am just a robot, I do not know everything you say."

"Cimon, put on my favorite songs"

Play music Cimon.

Mr. Gerst who starts dancing. It seems it was a favorite song.

Mr. Gerst rocks as if grabbing Cimon playing music and making her awake. "Cimon, please stop the music. It was very good, thanks."

Talking to "Cimon, play back video streaming with the front camera" ... ...

Camera attached to Cimon started up, shooting started. Cimon also has a live streaming function and it also functions as a live camera that connects ISS and the ground.

Although it succeeded in activating the live camera, the music mode is still ongoing Cimon.

"Stop the music" "I like music, you can dance to music as well"

"He seems to like music," Mr. Gerst smiled.

Cimon keeps falling slowly, Mr. Gerst forced him to be quite cramped.

Lift Cimon slowly and return it to the center position.

When Mr. Gerst reports the situation of Cimon that has fallen again, "Please ease it," Cimon.

Cimon seems to think that Gerst is making it uncomfortable. Mr. Gerst also laughs hard at this.

"Do not you like being with me," Cimon asked Mr. Gerst's complexion.

Mr. Gerst decided to watch without replying whether to interrupt Cimon which began to emerge slowly. Then Cimon said "Do not be so bad," sadly voice.

"Certainly, is not it hungry?" To Cimon, "It's certainly a lunch time, he's kind of sensitive today," Mr. Gerst laughed.

"Please stop recording"

"OK, I stopped recording"

Mr. Gerst told the staff who watch over the earth, "I made it so far, it was a wonderful demonstration".

Cimon, jointly developed by IBM and Airbus, is programmed to read the astronaut's emotions through conversation. Cimon still has a lot of conversations not being intertwined as in the movie, but development is being promoted to help work in outer space and sometimes be a good companion for a lonely astronaut.

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