Actually played 'Super Carom Starter Set' which Egypt originated board game 'Karom' has evolved Japan's own evolution

" Super Carom Starter Set " which arranged the board game " Carom " in contemporary style appeared from T-entertainment Corporation. Karom is a board game that is said to originate in Egypt in one thesis, it is a game close to billiards to be played on the board, and in Japan it is very popular at Hikone or Syowa station . I actually played it to unravel the mystery of "Which area is" super "?" "Why is Hikone popular?"
11/23 released Super Carom
Super Carom released November 23 (Friday) | TRENDMASTER AB%E3%83%AD%E3%83 % A 0 /
"Super Carom Starter Set" package looks something like this. Super Carom is a board game based on Karom, although it is a mystery why he is acquiring a strong popularity with Hikone in a game similar to billiards, Hikone also has what the Japan Calum Association is Appearance.

The size of this is about this size, it is a pretty large package. The phrase "take your SOUL (soul) with your SHOT !!" and the flames in the icon on the upper right will remind you somewhat of the Showa no korokoro comic, but it seems that the tie-up with the korokoro comic is also actually done is.

The package contained instructions, seals, coma and field boards in the package.

The field board is a plastic board with a length from one hand to the elbow, with pockets called drop zones on the four corners.

I will paste the seal on the frame before playing. There are two frames each for an attacker and 20 for a defender, and one for a yellow soul. An attacker and a defender are slightly larger than an attacker like an image, playing an attacker by fingering an attacker against a defender or soul.

Yellow Soul is the frame used for the last goal.

Also paste the seal on the red frame, paste the seal on all the frames.

After pasting the seal on all the frames, I will arrange the frames on the field board and prepare the game. In the center of the field board, arrange each of the eight color defenders in a circle so that the colors alternate, and place Seoul in the center.

There are two defenders for each color, but this is a spare, so it is not used.

Each player has his or her own attacker. It is the purpose of the game to play your attacker with your fingers, hit the defender or soul and drop it in the drop zone at the corners of the field board.

The player first decides the attack afterward and plays his attacker from his starting position. The player will win if dropping Seoul into the drop zone after all the player's opponent's defender has been dropped in the drop zone. This time the red starts first and the first attack starts.

It actually looks like this. Like a break shot of a nine ball of billiards, defenders and souls scattered on the field board.

When your turn ends, collect your own attacker and put it out of the field board.

Black also plays his attacker from his starting position.

When the first attack of each other ends, the first turn finishes. The first turn is a special turn, the "consecutive attack right" described below does not occur, and only by playing an attacker once with each other, the turn ends. This time, the state of the field board after the first turn finishes is like this, black defenders are falling in two drop zones, red is dominant.

From the second turn, I start attacking by placing my attacker so that I touch the "attack line" on my side of the field board.

The red player aims at the opponent's defender ... ...

I drove the opponent's defender to the drop zone of the field board corner.

If you are dropping the opponent's defender at the end of your attack, you gain "continuous attack right" and you can attack again. At this time your attacker starts from the position where your attacker was at the end of the previous attack, not from the attack line.

Continuous attack right can be acquired any number of times and it is possible to attack continuously as long as you keep dropping the opponent's defender. If the defender can not be dropped, collect your attacker from the field board and end the turn. It will be your opponent's turn.

If your attacker has fallen into the drop zone during your attack ......

As a penalty, the opponent's defender goes from the 1 drop zone to the soul spot in the center of the field board. If you drop your attacker into the drop zone, your opponent's defenders will increase and your goal will be farther away.

Also, if you drop Seoul before dropping all opponent's defenders into the drop zone ...

As a penalty, put your opponent's defender in the south spot from the 3 drop zone, and lay the soul over it. It is quite a pain that three opponent's defenders will resurrect.

At the end of the game, the red player drops all opponent's black defenders into the drop zone and enters the "Soul Chance" state.

When I drop Seoul in the soul chance state ......

It will be the victory of the player who dropped Seoul.

When I actually played it became a board game that added "billiards" and "curling", I felt that the point that I could easily enjoy from a small child to an old man was excellent. The coma was slippery than I imagined, it was quite difficult as I slipped with Sue like the air hockey at the game center, and it was an impression that luck is required rather than a skill that works well. It made it difficult for you to predict the expansion of "coming off as you wanted", and enjoyed playing while playing with everything.
As you can see in the movie below, it is difficult to play an attacker well even in the state of victory after one step.
I tried aiming at winning Seoul from the state of one hand after victory with "Super Carom" - YouTube
You can check the actual movie "Super Carom" playing in the editorial department from the following movie.
Actually tried playing "Super Carom" crisply and one game - YouTube
As I get used to it, I can play pretty crisply in less than 2 games in 1 games, and I will want to start the next match as soon as the match ends. "I can not quit," and some editorial officials complained about Super Carom addiction, it was perfect for playing when everyone gathered in the New Year. Also, when you are in trouble with the rules, the online rules of the Hikone Carom Association are politely written and will be helpful.
"Super Carom Starter Set" can be purchased from etc. At the time of article posting, deals only with market place, the price was 5378 yen including tax + shipping fee.
Amazon | Super Carom Starter Set | Board Game | Toy

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