Headline news on November 21, 2018

© Suzumi · Sunrise
It was announced that the first 23 minutes of " Mobile Suit Gundam NT " that will be a road show from Friday, November 30, 2018 will be delivered & TV broadcast. Firstly, from November 30 (Fri) at 18 o'clock, distribution starts on Gundam Fan Club, Bandai Channel, AbemaTV, GYAO !, YouTube. Continuously, broadcasting will be done on TOKYO MX from BS 11 on December 1 (Sat) 19:30, from 22:30 on December 4 (Tue) from 22:30.
Theater attendee benefits will be distributed from November 30 in the first bullet "UC & NT original duplicate set (2 pieces total of 6 types / random distribution)", the second from December 7 (Fri) "Kai · Siden Report" Side 6 Helium 3 Stockpile Base Critical Explosion Incident Report "Column Paper" has become.
By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
It is witnessed in Russia that the "leopard" of the beast is walking in the residential area with the same nori as a dog - GIGAZINE
I tried using the add-on "VTchromizer" for Chrome which can easily check dubious link destinations with "VirusTotal" - GIGAZINE
Small celestial bodies flying from outside the solar system "Aum Amua" is a cigar type rocky or metallic - GIGAZINE
Swedish city "Kiruna" who decided to relocate the city and people with "Mine Priority" - GIGAZINE
Studies showing the possibility that fertilization of sperm and egg is not done randomly - GIGAZINE
What is pollution "London smog" that put out the worst-case victims in history? - GIGAZINE
Why is it hard to remember my baby's memory? - GIGAZINE
The biggest in Japan? I have eaten "Tadami Tadayama Udon" which only 2 thick Udon noodles have been added - GIGAZINE
Various photographs that you can see well how great the football stadium made with Gamba Osaka fund raising of about 14 billion yen Various - GIGAZINE
Reports that printed books & e-books self-published at Amazon and iBooks Store - GIGAZINE
I tried to experience the overwhelming presence of "Neo Jeong" that even 950 yen is a shokugan - GIGAZINE
18 infographic graphics that clearly shows the difference between oriental and western lifestyles - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo · Others)
I got it Eye mask I am proud that it is an amazing eyebrow pic.twitter.com/VTv7PnzGjq
- 19th / Tsuku (@ tsukuwo 243) November 19, 2018
At yokohama landmark tower yesterday. About the junior high school students were talking about "What is this?" "Eh, I do not know ... the trace of a shower?" pic.twitter.com/BZFIEVU 794
- Yuuki (@ yuki 7979 seoul) November 19, 2018
I can review this at once, this English sentence is good. pic.twitter.com/iMuobMvvKc
- Lovely | (@ fumiyao 4) October 19, 2016
We will hold the first autumn light up until 11/21 - 11/24. We are struggling staff all the way to the last minute so as to hold a light up which is interesting such as lighting of Momige etc, object of windmill, lighting of umbrella etc. We are waiting for everyone's visit. # Old Shiba Rikyu Imperial Palace Garden # Garden # Light up is open at 17:30 pic.twitter.com/ZAW9xj6oWI
- Old Shiba Rikyu Imperial Palace Garden (@ Kyushibarikyu) November 20, 2018
I can not say ... for a moment, I can not say I saw something like a forest bombed with a Napalm bullet .... pic.twitter.com/ykcvKjoQA 2
- Nagara @ 3rd day West - 18a (@ NANOTORA 2) November 20, 2018
Southern Buddhist rail running through Yachimata which is the origin of peanuts and the route to Uthamin star ......
- Cago (@ KK _ 5) November 20, 2018
It's hard work not to tell everyone ( pic.twitter.com/msC1cZYLne
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
New materials are the door to the times - "New material that changed the world history" - Basic reading
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Management integration consideration before arrest or Ghosn chairman, Nissan / Renault - Kyodo News | This kiji is
Gone Chairman Family Travel Fee of Tens of Million yen Burden of Nissan side | NHK News
Is the concealment of executive remuneration led by Mr. Gone or company led? (Gobara Gohara) - Individual - Yahoo! News
Secondly, who is the leader of the concealment of executive remuneration was done.
According to the report, Mr. Gone's remuneration for officers seems to have continued to be paid separately from ordinary executive remuneration for many years due to free provision of abroad housing.
The background of the problem is that the company belongs to the shareholders, and the manager who contributed to the profit is obliged to pay compensation corresponding to it, and the company is the employee and its family members , Since the profit generated by employees work is the profit of the company, it seems that there is a difference in "Japanese standards" that the remuneration of managers representing employees should be suppressed to a reasonable amount.
From the "Western standards", it is natural that a large amount of compensation will be paid to Mr. Ghon who has made a significant contribution to shareholders by restoring Nissan's business status, which was on the verge of bankruptcy at the end of the 1990s. If there is a motivation to conceal part of the remuneration under other terms in order not to deviate the amount significantly from the "Japanese standards", it will be the Japanese company's management team. On the other hand, assuming "Japan Standards", there is a limit to officer fee paid to Mr. Gone. It may be that Mr. Ghon led the way of accepting the limit on acceptability and accepting compensation under another name and disclosing it secretly.
Depending on which one it is, the character of the incident will be totally different.
It is pointed out that Nissan Ghosn arrested, dismissal of 8 thousand employees was unnecessary if 5 billion yen of fraudulent compensation was included | Business Journal
"Significant doubt" in judicial dealings between Nissan executives and prosecutors - Will directors involved in the report participate in Mr. Gohn's dismissal resolution (Shigeo Gohara) - Individual - Yahoo! News
How high is Gon and Nissan executive compensation | Management | Toyo Keizai online | New criteria for economic news
Report on the verification of the war in Iraq, the gap between the national risk and the right to know without recognizing the full text ... Tokyo District Court - Lawyer Dot Com
Miki, at a press conference after the judgment, said, "There are a lot of items in the number of items on page 17, and there are also many general talks, I can not imagine writing that it is possible to write things in the undisclosed part of diplomacy and defense crisis" Said. It is said to consider appealing also.
A symposium appealing to resolve the abduction issue by North Korea was Yonago Tottori prefecture on the 20th. Mayor Takashi Ichikawa, 45, said he wanted to fully support "if the Abe cabinet is to take military action," he expressed his view to tolerate military action against North Korea.
~ Let's stop doodling ~
- Tokyo Immigration Bureau (@ IMMI_ TOKYO) November 20, 2018
Early in the morning of November 19, on the Konan Bridge sidewalk.
Freedom of expression is important, but it is a public property.
Is not it a little bad? . . pic.twitter.com/eHVO1f37jR
Amendment to the Immigration Control Law: Incorrect Results of Summarization Minoru Yamashita "Apology from the Heart" - Mainichi Newspapers
Summertime Introduction abandoned LDP Study Group | NHK News
The LDP research group that has been studying "daylight saving time" which promotes the summer life time, introduces it in accordance with the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games in 2020 because the economic world has strong negative opinions and time is not enough, We have decided to abandon our policy.
【Weekly Shincho】 Face of subordinates in a boiling pot ... "Entertainment Pro President" Awesome Power Hara Video - YouTube
Korea Government announces the dissolution of the comfort women foundation aims to invalidate the Japan-Korea agreement (photo = joint): Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Moai image "Return it!" Island officials return to the British Museum | NHK News
Announces dissolution of Korea government former comfort women's support foundation | NHK News
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
About the fact that it is illegal dumping when throwing away general garbage in a trash can beside a vending machine. https://t.co/clLW7aAt5g
- KEISUI ART STUDIO (@ keisuiart) November 20, 2018
Using the illustration of "sign language dictionary for children for children" supervised by the All Nippon Deaf Federation "sign" of "birds" on page 94, erroneous information spreads out to represent "precious". I am grateful that correction information is spreading with the power of everyone who is hearted. Please do not spread the wrong information. https://t.co/dDIO0CzPm1 pic.twitter.com/kdzn0Mx7Mb
- Shiobun company (@ choubunsha) November 20, 2018
I made an alley back bookshelf paperback size.
- monde (@ monde 55212068) November 17, 2018
I can not open both sides but it is small and cute.
I attached a power switch to the surface.
Production 2018 material timber #design #art # bookend # alley back pocket bunko pic.twitter.com/PlW3mtmLiv
Hokkaido this season was the first late snow earlier
- OK? | Ocarina (@ ocariii7) November 19, 2018
I had given up snow and a blue pond, but a heavy snowfall like a miracle has fallen.
It was so cold that my hands were numb, but I definitely will not forget this scene for the rest of my life. pic.twitter.com/iTFpis5zKf
I thought that something inherent in nature is involved, a child who had been drawing in such a maze for a while, one in elementary school class, but want to know the trend of later life. What did you do after drawing, people? pic.twitter.com/L9BLMwKWcb
- Yasuo Hasegawa (@ hasegawa_fusao) November 19, 2018
It is a greedy set of otaku who wants to put money to living gifts but also want human rights # Recommended cosmetics # Limited cosmetics # Petit pla cosme # My best cosmetics pic.twitter.com/3wrKMNO 88e
- Hell young (@ Ymck_HELL) November 19, 2018
Water is used not only for drinks but also for domestic use, such as washing hands and things. In the event of a disaster it will be more valuable. In order to save as much valuable water as possible, I made a simple faucet made with PET bottle, so I made it. Easy to make, so you can use it even outdoor etc. Please try it. pic.twitter.com/NvJLnqW07X
- Metropolitan Police Department Security Department Disaster Countermeasures Division (@MPD_bousai) November 20, 2018
Although it is an image of a pickup, if you look like this you will see that the same person looks pretty different looking way. And what matters is this good-looking pose, you can try it but it's quite impossible. pic.twitter.com/P5ScGJvv2N
- Daiteaoto (@ datenaoto2012) November 20, 2018
Yesterday, when I went fishing in a car power (Nihonkai in Aomori Prefecture), I found a wreckage of a wooden ship in the north ... Air Self Defense Force It is near the car power shuntun base and the x band radar was also near so I informed the police.
- Yeah (@ darayasu 1) November 19, 2018
It is a noise. pic.twitter.com/t6r8AMqi3G
Is "school lunch instruction" of school lunch a corporal punishment? Case that leads to dinner phobia - lawyer dot com
Metropolitan area △, Kansai ○ ○ Evolution of train leaf and teardrop shape also resurrected: Asahi Shimbun Digital
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Font pack appears in Adobe Fonts! Easily activate over 200 fonts of 15 types such as Japanese display and Western pack for UX design # AdobeFonts # Adobe MAX Japan - Adobe Blog
Amazon "If you do not want to hurry" Point reduction Reduce logistics: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Amazon Japan implements a service that reduces points when a paid member selects "regular delivery" which is not "hurry" at the sale "Cyber Monday" conducted from the evening of December 7th to the midnight of the 11th. Since the distribution work of products concentrates during the sale period, it seems that there is the aim to equalize the peak of delivery volume.
The motivation of personal development does not continue, it does not finish making. I considered the cause and countermeasures. - Hell of the front end
Pegasys Co., Ltd.: New product "TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7 (T-Em Peg En Video Mastering Works 7) released"
NEW ART HOLDINGS (Former Cima) ICO, with the currency of the virtual currency market slumping 15 billion yen procurement schedule to 1.6 million yen: market situation full power two stories
"Even if you call out attention ......", "Sakura" request from users to the user "JPAAWG 1st General Meeting" - INTERNET Watch
Plagiarism / Mayuko Watanabe "Creative child pornography" and human rights of children / Literature
Best Practice for Migrating Oracle Databases to Amazon RDS PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL: Migration Process and Infrastructure Considerations | Amazon Web Services Blog
ASCII.jp: optimization algorithms and information sharing are essential for resolving train divergence (1/2)
Cyber attacks from China striking the Olympic Games have already begun | World | Latest Articles | Newsweek Japan Official Site
Create the fastest and most powerful logging infrastructure with Redshift Spectrum that can query quickly the latest logs - Cookpad Developer Blog
Censorship by Chinese authorities, tentacles on twitter Photo 1 international news: AFPBB News
As a result of parsing Google's source code of 200 million rows, the bug of the system which mistakes the order of the arguments to be passed to the function increases significantly when the number of arguments becomes 6 or more, so the number of arguments is 5 or less I found out that it was desirable. https://t.co/R5yy31pDyu
- Kentaro Hara (@ xharaken) 21 November 2018
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Anime "Boast of NHK virtual" broadcast decision! Attention! Information | NHK Anime World
That "throat boast" becomes virtualized! What?
"Brighter! Enjoyable! Energetic!" "The theme of" NHK throat boast "delivered live from everywhere throughout the country every Sunday lunch with the theme of" bright! It is virtual space that will disturb you this time. VTuber (Virtual YouTuber) popular among the hosts of the virtual character Odagiri thousand announcers and competes for singing proud. Will the first VTuber champions decide! What? looking forward to!
【Scheduled to be broadcast】
Anime "Boasting of NHK Virtual"
Comprehensive TV Wednesday, 2nd Wednesday 11:35 to midnight 0:20
【Guest】 Virtual Grand Mother Kobayashi Sachiko, Kizuna Ai 【Moderator】 Virtual Odagiri Chisa (Chisinaige) 【Cast】 Shin Rin, Suzuki Hina, Tanaka Hime, Mononomi Rabbit, Dennou Shoujo Shiruu, Time Sora, Higuchi Kaede, Fuji Aoi, announcer
[Sunrise] Strengthen production capabilities toward creating new IP and innovating existing IP! Announcement concerning the transfer of Genbec video production business, Inc. | Work introduction | Sunrise
TV animation "Ehdro ~!" PV 【January 12, 2019 broadcast started broadcasting! 】 - YouTube
A story about whether the image of "Rockman is difficult" is really correct - a station for outgoing radio signals
Mr. Akira Kinzaki gets a little comic "Do not marry me wasteful?" PR ... It is anxious about this insanity - Togetter
The artist's survival strategy that books could not be sold even if animated | Ai: idol otaku cartoonist | note
1995 was amazing The Game
Sudden abortion of Weekly Shonen Jump is bad for the heart to die - kansou
By the end of the series (1/2) pic.twitter.com/qtrZk1N7gB
- Tomonori Torano (@ totsuno) November 19, 2018
By the end of serialization (2/2)
- Tomonori Torano (@ totsuno) November 19, 2018
We are looking forward to welcoming you and pic.twitter.com/m0hXffHQME
A broken story 1 pic.twitter.com/ bUsZmFn 3 l 7
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
A broken story 2 pic.twitter.com/m7UilvLtdO
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
Broken hearted story 3 pic.twitter.com/H05pbmffam
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
A broken story 4 pic.twitter.com/uZDFP 7 iJ 5 g
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
A broken story 5 pic.twitter.com/8 HA 0 iUg AU 1
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
A broken story 6 pic.twitter.com/I3slm 9 Bv 6 K
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
A broken story 7 pic.twitter.com/xvTSPyzhlH
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
Broken heart talk 8 pic.twitter.com/ZV918 HWnxQ
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
A broken story 9 pic.twitter.com/Bi5qmUKeG7
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
Broken heart talk 10 pic.twitter.com/Szw0eEKQju
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
Talk of broken heart 11 (end) pic.twitter.com/YISACo 81 LF
- Polypority 60 b (@ _ pori 2) November 20, 2018
# Eve Day Day pic.twitter.com/JxBh3HaonN
- Kashiwa (@ 3920 kashiwa) November 20, 2018
Gamer girls ideals (Yushiken)
- Yoshiko (@duopome) November 20, 2018
Ideal ← → reality pic.twitter.com / UWm 67 mU 6 y 2
A famous story about Rayearth's Emerarod Princess · A man in the middle is Emma Ogata · Manager who received the phone of the offer "What?" "Please tell me again" "Does the role of the princess in our Ogata?"
- Curehulk (@ hironom) November 19, 2018
· Staff on the day of broadcasting "Are you really doing Ogata?"
· At the premiere of the ED role "Emerarod Princess Ogata Emi" at the moment the venue big screams pic.twitter.com/j0lIW8w6lR
Result Bots pic.twitter.com/cpPldlI6lP
- Miji knees @ Saturday / East A 12 a (@ mghz _) November 19, 2018
Saving money pic.twitter.com/bMiIJTXwgg
- Avocado 6 (@ avogado 6) November 20, 2018
Desperately staring up to make a stuffed toy of Konseki in a bad way, I got the hand out only with this intricate patterned hair implantation ...
- Scallop (@ hotate_touken) November 20, 2018
Someday sometime ... my shoulder, waist and butt are making someday ... I'm sorry ... Susumu pontee pic.twitter.com/5Pqy6PMm4f
【Creative Lily】 Earpick Refleen and Company Mr. pic.twitter.com/ipiY9o4Nx2
- Duck @ COMITIA 126 / 52b (@ahiru_draw) November 20, 2018
It is an original comic. I always think that such a weather character will come to the house "Cat's Tamao" pic.twitter.com/4qSBXkKZuJ
- Shinobu (@ shinoninjya) November 21, 2018
Road Bath pic.twitter.com/mrscicqdT3
- A Sunshine (@ amakara_surume) November 21, 2018
In my mind, my 2018 dedicated this guy to pic.twitter.com/C9I7YhV3vv
- Guchico (@ Guchico 77) November 20, 2018
V Sinext "Build NEW WORLD Masked Rider Close" 60 seconds advance notice - YouTube
High score girl broadcast commemoration project "Let's play at the game!" # 6 - YouTube
Super Smash Bros. Smash Brothers SPECIAL Introduction Video - YouTube
"Dragon Quest Builders 2 Destroyed God Sidoo and the Empty Island" Dream Slime Huge Project Teaser Image - YouTube
"lovelive! School idol festival ~ after school ACTIVITY ~ Next Stage "Promotional trailer - YouTube
【Exclusive download】 PS4 / Steam "11-11 (Eleven Eleven) Memories Retold" Story PV 2nd bullet - YouTube
"GOD EATER 3" TVCM + opening animation - YouTube
The trajectory until a comic artist who can not eat with manga produces a hit work in an indie game - revealed by manga artist Jupiter living "What is the survival strategy to keep drawing manga"?
History of the hillside river back Prototype 1 - 2 - YouTube
Good evening. It is already a long version of a trailer which is already flowing in movie theaters overseas so we will release it this time, so it is an English voice. It is under construction separately for Japan. Actually the development work has already been completed. It would be greatly appreciated if you could play 1.5 + 2.5 and 2.8 before release. See you next month @ Nomura https://t.co/yuRCM1KAE2 # _ KH pic.twitter.com/zON67LMJn7
- Kingdom Hearts (@ _ KINGDOMHEARTS) November 20, 2018
Kobe Newspaper NEXT | Kobe | Showa's Gundam, Suddenly Children Watching Children
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Yabe! ! ! Live-action version of Monhan's visual ... ... ... 100 points! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! pic.twitter.com/ib3Uuo67mv
- Human eating eating frog (@ TABECHAUYO) November 20, 2018
Olympic volunteer, more than 80 thousand and 44% foreigners - Kyodo News | This kiji is
nix in desertis: "Into the history of music history of the exam world history is bad"
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
A delicious deliciousness, crispy and thick! "Potato chips jagged black and pepper cheese taste" Launched "limited time" from November 26, 2018 (Monday)
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt