'Bunny · Harvest Man' whose dog's face walks around with eight legs is the topic
Ecuador has abundant variety of living creatures anyhow, such as more than 1660 species of birds, about 4000 butterflies, over 500 species of amphibians, over 4,300 orchids (Ran), the largest biodiversity in the world It is known to have. It is a topic that one kind of insects inhabiting such Ecuador, " Bunny · Harvest Man ", looks like a spider's leg seems to have grown on the face of a rabbit or a dog.
Bizarre Spider In Ecuador Closely Resembles A Bunny Rabbit
In the following movie, you can actually see how the bunny harvest man moves.
Bunny Harvestman in action, Metagryne bicolumnata, Cosmetidae, Opiliones - YouTube
A bunny · harvest man with the scientific name "Metagryne bicolumnata" means "rabbit pat beetle" when translated into Japanese. It was named after having two protrusions like rabbit's long ears. It belongs to the eyebrows eyebrows, so it is not strictly a spider, but it is a relative of a spider.
The size of a bunny harvest man is roughly about thumb, there are no venom glands and it is harmless. It is said that it inhabited the earth for at least 400 million years ago. Characteristic is a body like spider's feet grew strongly on the head of a dog or a rabbit. Dogs are doubled because there is a yellow spot on the part hitting the eyes.
Even looking from the side, it looks just like a dog. Only the dog's neck walking with 8 legs reminds me of the alien appearing in the movie " Object X from Planets ".
Science journalist Ferris Jabr was evaluating the dog's fullness of Bunny Harvest Man, "It looks like a black dog Grim just in the" Harry Potter "series.
This is a real photo of an actual living arachnid, a cousin of spiders, called the bunny harvestman (Metagryne bicolumnata)
- Ferris Jabr (@ ferrisjabr) October 31, 2018
But clearly it should be called THE GRIM
cc @ jk _rowling
Photo by Andreas Kay pic.twitter.com/jcw75n1X62
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