Global warming is bounded by 2033 only by bit coin mining

According to recent UN report on climate change, it is suggested that catastrophic climate change will occur when the temperature rises more than 1.5 degrees above the present. And this " temperature rise above 1.5 degrees " is said to be possible within 20 years even by mining the virtual currency Bitcoin (bit coin) alone.
Bitcoin emissions alone could push global warming above 2 ° C
Bitcoin Mining Alone Could Raise Global Temperatures Above Critical Limit By 2033 - Motherboard
According to the latest research, when the bit coin spreads all over the world at the same speed as other payment systems like credit cards, the average temperature of the earth rises twice by 2033 by the heat generated by bit coin mining It has become clear that there is a possibility. The research team of the University of Hawaii who announced the research, from the hardware efficiency dedicated to bit coin mining, minor location, furthermore in countries with mining facilities, how much carbon dioxide is emitted due to energy consumption, multiple data The analysis is carried out in combination.
According to researchers at the University of Hawaii, 69 million tons of carbon dioxide is emitted in 2017 by bit coin mining, which is equivalent to 1% of the carbon dioxide emissions released from global energy production That's right. According to the survey, since bit coins can only bear 0.03% of cashless transactions being done worldwide, it is pointed out that the energy consumption is too high for that.
In order to predict the impact of bit coin mining on the environment, researchers at the University of Hawaii refer to the penetration rate of credit cards and dishwashers in society. "Dishwasher" was slow because its spreading speed was so fast that "Credit card" was too fast, it seems that it was referred to the comparative technology. If the bit coin spreads at the average rate of penetration of the two technologies, the penetration rate change will be as shown in the red line in the graph below. As bit coins become popular at this speed, it seems that the average temperature of the earth will rise twice in only 16 years. The research team analyzes that the average temperature of the earth will rise by more than 2 degrees within 22 years, even if bit coins become popular at the latest adoption rate that is predicted.

Why bit coin mining affects global warming can be understood by knowing what kind of facility dedicated to bit coin mining is. Bin coin mining requires enormous computing power, and it seems that 3000 dedicated computers are deployed depending on mining facilities.
Infiltrate a huge facility that earns about 180 million yen in a virtual currency in a month, is not known and what is it? - GIGAZINE

According to the virtual currency analysis site · Digiconomist operated by Dutch economist Blue Coin Mining Alex de Vries , almost the same electric power used in Australia is used for bit coin mining . According to Digiconomist, even in the mining of Ethereum (Ethiaryum) of the virtual currency which became the scale next to the bit coin, it seems that power of one small country is used.
Electricity of a small country is already used for excavation of the virtual currency "Eliaryam" - GIGAZINE

Vries is surprised by the finding that bit coin mining may raise the average temperature of the earth twice by 2033, saying, "It is different from the previous ones related to bit coin energy consumption It is a very shocking discovery (mining of bit coins) It has already been clarified that the demand for electricity is extremely large, but the influence on the environment was not clearly understood " I will.
Also, Camilo Mora, a geographer at the University of Hawaii who engaged in research, said, "Although we can not accurately predict the future of bit coins, if the technology spreads at the fastest pace of dissemination of other technologies, The impact will be very bad news for humans and animals. "
It should be noted, however, that these forecasts assume that the ratio of fuel and renewable energy used for power generation is the same until after 20 years. If renewable energy spreads widely around the world, it is clear that the impact on the environment by bit coin mining will become smaller. Also, if the value of a bit coin as a virtual currency decreases, bit coins will not spread and the degree of influence on the environment will be lowered.
A part of the virtual currency minor has already begun to use clean energy , but the virtual currency mining work is done 24 hours a day, so it is said that it is necessary to reduce electric power demand for further development of the virtual currency .
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