'Boss latte chity latte' which can easily make spicy scent & milk feeling plenty of chai latte just by breaking it with milk

Suntory, a major beverage company, develops the " Latebase " series of concentrated beverages under the concept of "It is easy to make fragrant caffe latte easily by breaking it with milk". As a new piece of such a latte base, " Boss latte chity latte " appeared for a limited time from Tuesday, October 23, 2018. I tried to make sure what kind of taste it will be finished by quickly making a latte of chai tea which is Indian style milk tea just by breaking it with milk.
Boss Latte Base Chai Tealati | BOSS TOWN (Bostown) | Suntory
"Boss latte base chity latte" (278 yen excluding tax) is an elongated shape plastic bottle, the package is based on violet, spring , red.

About 10 cups of chai can be made just by breaking it with milk.

At the bottom of the package there was a cup with chai and an illustration of cinnamon which is a type of spice used mostly for chai. The pattern of the cup and the background somehow reminds me of India.

Looking at the raw materials, 'sugar', 'tea' and 'fragrance' are lined up, and it seems that milk is not contained in the latte base itself. The content is 490 ml with one bottle of PET.

Energy is 48 kcal per 100 ml. Because it is about 10 cups with a 490 ml plastic bottle, the energy for one cup is about 24 kcal.

How to make chai tea is easy. Prepare milk and latte base, cup and pour into cup at the ratio of Late Base: Milk = 1: 3. As the latte base amounts to 49 ml per serving and milk 3 times its 147 ml, the final volume is about 200 ml.

Pour the weighed 150 ml of milk into the cup ... ...

I will pour the latte base in the same cup.

Latte base PET bottles are marked with a scale that is a cup of cup, so if you adjust the amount as a guide, it is ok.

Mix well and Chai Chi latte is completed.

Chai tirathi is surrounded by the gentle smell of milk which is rich in spices such as tea, ginger and cinnamon, and it seems that my mind calms down just by enjoying the scent. It is said that tea is used with Indian tea which is compatible with milk, and spices are using flavor derived from cardamon · ginger · nutmeg . When you drink a bite, you can feel the smell of black tea and spice firmly in the mild sweetness of milk. Since the ratio of latte base: milk = 1: 3 is only a guide, it is possible to adjust such as increasing the latte base more when you want to taste the smell of spice or tea more strongly, when you want a milk feeling, you can adjust the milk more.

Also, if you warm up the Chai Chi latte made in a cup in a microwave oven ......

Hot chai chi latte is completed. By warming, I feel that the smell of chytei became stronger. In the coming cold season, it was perfect Chai Tiirati when I wanted to warm up quickly from the bottom of my body.

"Boss latte base chity latte" has appeared from Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at a retail store nationwide. It is said that it is appearing for a limited time, and it may be better to check the person you care about early.
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