Artificial intelligence makes it possible to identify individuals from 'movements of eyes during reading'

"Fingerprints" and "irises" that are used to identify individuals because everyone is given and they are unchanged with twenty men is often used as a substitute for passwords in smartphones and the like in recent years. A research that announced that it becomes possible to use "movement of eyes to follow letters during reading" as a material used for such personal identification was announced.
AI researchers can now identify people by eye movements | VentureBeat
The movement of the eyes to read the text is an average speed of 200 ms to 300 ms with fast motion called microsaccade . These movements include cognitive processes based on vision, attention, language, movement control, and it is clarified in the latest research that it can be used for fairly accurate personal identification.

by mangtronix
The paper published on , which publishes academic papers, has claimed that readers can be identified from eye movements and attention patterns. It is expected that it will be useful in many applications because it allows identification without having the reader conscious simply by reading sentences.

In the research, "scan path" which can trace eye movements is specified, and the line of sight is directed to the next word in association with the "sentence elements" such as word frequency and length, syllable and part of speech, "looking back at the previous word" It is divided into 5 models such as "It is".
In experiments to identify individuals, volunteers read eleven random sentences and recorded eye movements. As a result, the artificial intelligence claims that 62 people participating in the experiment could be distinguished with an accuracy of 91.53%, which is not as good as a fingerprint with 99.8% accuracy, but the research team insists that this is the cutting edge .

Many similar studies have been done, and eye movements are expected not only to identify individuals but also to be useful as indicators of social nature, curiosity, honesty, etc. of that person.
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in Science, Posted by log1e_dh