Habitat range of 'brain educer ameba' is expanding due to global warming

by Jay Shouldol
Although the existence of the "murderer ameba" which eats the brain has been told from the past, as the climate warms, its habitat seems to be expanding.
Brain-eating amoebas are spreading-and that's just as bad as it sounds | Popular Science

"Ameba to eat the brain" is a warm climate amoeba called Fororanegrelia inhabited in the water.
Follane Grelia invades from the nasal cavity and reaches the brain as it is called "brain eating", causing primary amebic meningoencephalitis (meningitis). Symptoms begin with a change in olfaction, symptoms such as headache, nausea, fever, stiff shoulders, and eventually fall into a coma and result in death. Progression of this symptom occurs in about 5 days. In the United States it is known that it lives in the southern state lakes and ponds, reservoirs, etc. Since the first case report in 1965, there are hundreds of reports worldwide . There are 133 cases in the United States, and infection cases in 1 year are at most 8 cases.
Meningitis is sometimes caused by viruses, parasites, fungi, etc. There is a danger of depriving them of life, but according to Popular Scinense, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are ineffective and effective measures are taken It is said that amoebic meningitis is particularly dangerous in that it is not. Of the patients who developed in the past, 95% of deaths occur. (PDF file) According to the report of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, it is said that 3 survivors out of 133 cases in the United States occurred.
However, the habitat of Forlane Greeria is spreading with climate warming, the northern limit before 2010 was Missouri State, but now it is confirmed in Minnesota, Indiana, Kansas etc. is.

Likewise, it is believed that waters suitable for the inhabitants of Forlane Ghrelia are expected to spread even in other countries, so that such dangerous ameba can exist in the immediate vicinity is placed in a corner of the head You may as well have better.
In addition, it is said that only one case confirmed in Tosu City, Saga prefecture in November 1996, is infectious / onset in Japan, so it does not know where the infection occurred.
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