Image infiltrating inside of Tesla's world's largest lithium-ion battery storage system is being released
Tesla led by Eiron Mask CEO manufactures and sells energy storage devices besides electric vehicles. In 2017, we are running the world's largest lithium-ion battery storage system, and the images that have infiltrated inside this facility are released.
Take a look around world's biggest battery - BBC News
In 2017, Tesla was largely reported as running the world's largest lithium-ion battery storage system in South Australia.
Go into the fence listed as "High voltage detention".
Journalist Simon Atkinson sneaks into the facility. South Australia In the location of 3 hours from northern Adelaide , 12,200 small battery storage containers are connected to one.
Construction of this facility began, and the period until operation became less than 100 days.
Mr. Ellon Mask of Tesla promised that "If you do not finish the facility within 100 days, you will bear all the construction costs yourself", but that promise has been fulfilled.
Energy for operating the power storage system is obtained from a wind farm nearby ... ...
The total capacity of the facility is 129 MW / h in total capacity.
Looking down from the air, you can see that the white boxes and the green boxes are lined up between them.
The white box is the battery ......
The green box is a machine that converts energy to high voltage power that sends energy to the transmission line.
The purpose of the facility is to ensure energy safety and to eliminate power outages. It seems that Tesla facilities have been used several times already to stabilize the grid. The time required for stabilizing the power grid is less than 0.5 seconds.
As of October 2018, Tesla's facility is the largest in the world, but different companies in Korea, the US, UK and Australia are planning to make larger storage facilities.
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