How is ultra-luxury 'Bonsai scissors' that will cost 3.6 million yen?

" Bonsai ", one of Japanese traditional cultures, is one of the arts that creates a state of nature on a pot with human hands. One of the tools used in such a bonsai is " bonsai scissors " for pruning bonsai . Although the highest-class bonsai scissors forged by scissors forge may be priced as high as 3.6 million yen, why is it worth it, interview movie to a bonsai writer who loves scissor blacksmith and its scissors, Great Big Story has released it.
Making $ 35,000 Bonsai Scissors - YouTube
Osaka Prefecture Sakai City is famous as a city of cutlery for a long time and is known for traditional forging technology and knife products called " Sakai knives ".

" Sasuke " in Sakai City is a blacksmith that deals with knives and scissors.

Mr. Yasuhiro Hirakawa, the 5th owner of "Sasuke"

Mr. Hirakawa has been making scissors and kitchen knives as a scissorsmith craftworker for more than 50 years.

"I think that it is the most difficult to have (scissors) to combine the two to be disconnected", Mr. Hirakawa says.

Mr. Hirakawa's striking bonsai scissors do not overlap straight scissors, but that they have a twist like a propeller to cut firmly. Precise and complicated shape is handmade so it is possible.

Mr. Hirakawa gets up in the morning to narrow the taste ... ...

I will wake charcoal.

Hirakawa's eyes looking into the furnace are serious. Mr. Hirakawa says he works 10 hours a day to make scissors and 3 to 4 hours to make a kitchen knife.

Mr. Hirakawa's scissors are ordinary and it is about 120 thousand yen ...

If it is the one of the highest level, the value of 3.6 million yen will be attached.

Mr. Yoshikawa Mr. Yoshikawa, a landscape architect, is one who loves Mr. Hirakawa's bonsai scissors. Mr. Yoshikawa is a craftsmaker who makes bonsai and sometimes showcased the performance of bonsai in Paris .

Make Yoshikawa something pleasant with crackling words, Mr. Yoshikawa will arrange branches and leaves of pine with bonsai scissors.

For Mr. Yoshikawa, what is important for making a perfect bonsai is a perfect bonsai scissors.

"I will make bonsai scissors at" Sasuke ", but when ordering scissors I will exchange about 1 hour with" Sasuke "." Sasuke "also said" I will study I will communicate in the form of half a year, please give me the time of one year. "

"So it is awesome when it is completed (in order to make a bonsai) I think it is wrong to use good scissors after all."

"With good scissors, even if you cut plants, there is little damage to the plants as the cuts sputter."

Mr. Yoshikawa seems to have heard the reputation of Mr. Hirakawa's bonsai scissors from long ago, but I do not think that I would like to use Ms. Hirakawa's scissors by any chance, and when I actually got it He said that he was uncomfortable.

"When you have Mr. Hirakawa's bonsai scissors, Mr. Yoshikawa tells us to cut off a good bonsai."

For Mr. Hirakawa, I just finally got started.

"I think that this is the best, but I have been looking forward to seeing that I will continue for 50 years, how much my work will change from now on, I am thinking and I have no idea of it."

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