Research result that 'more than a quarter of all adults in the world are under exercise'

by bruce mars
It is known that sufficient exercise is necessary for maintaining health and lack of exercise enhances the risk of obesity and lifestyle diseases . On the other hand, it is also true that there are many people who can not exercise as expected because of motivation and lack of time even if they want to exercise. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the results of the study that "more than a quarter of adults in the world do not exercise enough to maintain health".
Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants - The Lancet Global Health
A Quarter of Adults Do not Get Enough Exercise, Study Says | Time
WHO makes exercise for maintaining health "moderate exercise 150 minutes per week" or "severe exercise 75 minutes a week". However, according to a study published in the medical journal " The Lancet Global Health " conducted by WHO's research team, 27.5% of the world's adults exercise necessary to maintain health It is said that it is not.
In the research carried out in 2001, it is reported that 28.5% of people worldwide are actually lacking exercise, and it can be said that the number has improved somewhat. WHO, on the other hand, "The improvement of global lack of exercise is an urgent task as sufficient exercise is effective for improving health and lifespan and it is also an effective tool for lifestyle diseases," I insist. As lack of exercise increases the risks of various diseases, in fact, there are indeed more than 1.4 billion adults in the world with risks of lack of exercise.
Based on 358 studies conducted in 168 countries around the world from 2001 to 2016 when the previous research was published, the research team surveyed 1.9 million data. The data obtained here was that more people in the country with higher incomes are more than those with low income groups, but the research team was able to cover the population of 96% of the world "I said. In the survey, I asked exactly how much exercise I had in my daily activities such as work, housework, movement and leisure for subjects.

by mgstanton
As a result, the research team confirmed that "There is a big difference in momentum depending on the country." For example, in Uganda in East Africa, only 5.5% of people with missing exercise were recognized, but in Kuwait in the Middle East, really 67% of people are classified as lack of exercise.
Looking at the big trend, high-income countries tend to be less exercise than low-income countries, and people seem to stop exercising as the industry develops and life becomes more convenient. During the research period from 2001 to 2016, in the high-income Western countries the proportion of those with shortage of exercise rose from 31% to 37%, but in low-income countries it was stable at around 16%.

In response to these trends, WHO says, "High-income countries need to positively encourage citizens to do exercise such as walking and cycling in their spare time." Because there is a limit to improving exercise deficit left to individuals, we should promote participation in recreation and sports as national policy.
Countries that have already taken actions to improve shortage of exercise on a national level have been successful in East Asia and Southeast Asia. These countries promote the enthusiasm for exercising in leisure time, and they are promoting recreation in the park in China. Due to the influence of national efforts, in 2001 the proportion of those who lack exercise which was 26% was decreasing to 17% in 2016. These efforts are effective in countries where there are a lot of exercise in work and movement, and less exercise in leisure time.

by Haste LeArt V.
In addition, the research team found that male and female disparities exist in momentum. Worldwide, 25.5% of adult males are under-exercised, while women with insufficient exercise seem to be 31%. The following image is a map showing the proportion of men with exercise shortage in the world.

On the other hand, the map below shows the percentage of women who are in shortage of exercise. When comparing with each other, there are many red-colored places on the map showing women who are under-exercised, and it is certain that women are under-exercised indeed. The reason why the research team differs in exercise quantity between men and women is that in some countries the role of life and the way of spending leisure are divided between men and women, and the point that the momentum in work and leisure is reduced compared to men It is said that it can be mentioned. There may also be reasons for safety, such as the danger involved in women's active exercise itself.

WHO aims to reduce the proportion of people with lack of exercise by 10% by 2025. In order to achieve this goal, WHO says that in addition to the introduction of national policies, it will also be necessary to rectify disparities between men and women.
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