Headline news on August 1, 2018

At Tottori Sand Dunes Conan Airport, where renovation work was completed, the reproduction exhibition of "Tea Poaro" appearing during the "Detective Conan" was expanded and a color object of Amuro Toru appeared newly. Also, in conjunction with the Grand Opening, a campaign will be held between the airport and " Aoyama Gyochang Furusato Kan " and the second volume of "Nazo Disarmament Rally" will be held to solve the mystery hidden in the exhibits.

© Goyo Aoyama / Shogakkan
By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
Create a free travel trip schedule & share with others "Travel bookmark creation / shared process" - GIGAZINE
"FONT BEAR" capable of searching commercially available free fonts - GIGAZINE
A research result that the assumption "digital native" is illusion is announced - GIGAZINE
"Secret behavior" that anyone on the Internet does not want to know is indeed easily bald - GIGAZINE
Innovative solar cell that can turn carbon dioxide into fuel by sunlight alone - GIGAZINE
More than 550,000 images capturing historical moments such as Pearl Harbor attack and Apollo 11 lunar landing will be released - GIGAZINE
How long to sleep on the day? - GIGAZINE
The Forgotten Home of Coffee movie summarizing the possibility that coffee beans will be extinct in 2080 - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo · Others)
Chicken noodles × Fate / Grand Order │ HIYOKO chan pickup summon
- Megumi (@ yoi_ 0 v 0 _) July 31, 2018
It is almost August soon. pic.twitter.com/nvfI4e8qwd
- Uta (@ joker_masiro) July 31, 2018
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
In fiction, "heresy exiled from the academic world" often comes out, but the example I know is "people who go to Tondemo or who quit scholars themselves by causing big problems". First of all, if there is a person who says "I was exiled from the academic circle", "I can not accept it in academia", I wonder if there is any loss.
- Hirabayashi Moe (@ seikaisha_moegi) July 30, 2018
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Scoop Fujitsu to sell mobile sales business: Nikkei Business Online
It is clear from Fujitsu's interview that the sale of the mobile sales business is reported by the Nikkei business. It is car navigation, personal computer, Internet connection, and sale of business for individuals following development and manufacture of mobile terminals. With this, Fujitsu will nearly complete withdrawing from individual business.
Fujitsu's wholly owned subsidiary, Fujitsu Personals (Tokyo · Harbor) mobile sales business. We have deployed over 100 "DoCoMo shops" nationwide that sell mobile terminals for NTT docomo in the group. Fujitsu Personal's net sales in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018 totaled 129.6 billion yen, including PC sales business for corporations. The mobile sales business, which seems to account for less than half of it, is subject to sale.
Kanagawa Miura citizen marathon with millions of yen unknown money | NHK News
Heavy rain, a local station of local publicity that was not covered by reports "Key station was dull": Asahi Shimbun Digital
There is a doubt that the report of the television station might have been inadequate due to heavy rain in the west of Japan where more than 200 people were killed. It is because the key stations of the Tokyo kept broadcasting of ordinary formation on the weekend where the damage seems to have concentrated. This also affected the report in the disaster area. What was going on?
── Please tell me how you came to sell products other than household appliances.
Online sales started in the latter half of the 1990s, and we sold only the items that were originally sold at stores. The chance was a manga hit. At that time, both storefront and online tried and error to strengthen the item. Among them, there was a proposal to try selling games and manga, and if it did anything, it was a story to do with specialty shop level items.
Children not made = No productivity "Unlikely" LDP / Koizumi: Asahi Shimbun Digital
(The Liberal Democratic Party's Sugita vein <Mio> The House of Representatives is a monthly magazine, and with the same sex couples in mind, it is impossible to say that "we do not make children, that is, there is no" productivity "). While we are doing 100 years of life (discussion) and working way reforms, aiming at how to support the 100-year era of life with diverse values of values, that is different.
How to see "one strong and weak" politics / Koda Maeda / Political science | SYNODOS - Synodos -
House of Representatives 'Chairman Abe' s Unprecedented Expectation of the "Democratic Root Shaking" - Kyodo News
Toyosu market "Relief" increased, 57% Asahi Shimbun Public opinion survey: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Design and management mistakes made by Laos destroyed at the dam of the earth (Haruhito Harito) - Individual - Yahoo! News
Aiming, practical application of eel for complete aquaculture Distribution of frying fish and verification: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Women in their 60s die due to heat stroke Electrical stops and cooling can not be used Sapporo | NHK News
Introduction of annual salary system for National Daisei faculty members In order from 19 fiscal year, MEXT - Kyodo News
Mexican passenger plane failed to make an emergency landing and over 80 injured injured | NHK News
Delayed logistics, limits on track substitution Sanyo Line shredding due to heavy rain: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Strong heat, merciless even during detention "Hot than body temperature when touching the wall": Asahi Shimbun Digital
CNN.co.jp: Compensation for damages of 1 billion yen to men who are afflicted with other wives, North Carolina State
"Kirimaru" turns into Kirin Ramen New name determination: Asahi Shimbun Digital
New image is journalist Mr. Yasuda Mr. Kan using the information network to respond with full power - Kyodo News
Hyogo · Sasayama City announces change of city name To the popular "Tamba Sasayama" city: Asahi Shimbun Digital
"Kirin Ramen" New name is determined as "Kirimaru" (Okada Oka) - Individual - Yahoo! News
Minister Kan, a video male missing in certified Syria with Mr. Yasuda: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Publication status Chronicle 123 (July 1, 2018 - July 31) - Publication · Reading memorandum
Estimated selling price of book journals in June 2006 was 102.9 billion yen, down 6.7% from the previous year.
Book is 53 billion yen, down 2.1%. Magazines amounted to 49.9 billion yen, down 11.2%.
Breakdown of the magazine was monthly magazine 40.6 billion yen, down 11.5%, weekly magazine 9.2 billion yen, down 9.6%.
The return rate is 41.4% for books and 44.5% for magazines.
[Achievement test] Miyagi prefecture within Sendai and other areas of academic achievement still not buried | Hebei Shimbun online news
160 fire ants from Narita airport from the United States - Kyodo News
"News Women" Producing Production Companies and Presidents Mr. Shin Shitama: Asahi Newspaper Digital
Earon · Mask Tearful Ridiculous White "Model 3 Project was Hell ..." | A US magazine reveals behind the scenes of production delay 【Tesla EV Fantasies (1)】 | Courier · Japon
"In the past few months it was like most hellless days for me"
── In March 2016, when "Tesla" company announced the new EV "Model 3", the price range was affordable and the performance was high, flooded with more than 400,000 pre-order orders. From that point on, the days of long fighting towards the achievement of "model 3 mass production" by CEO Earlon Mask started.
However, the production system does not get on track at all, and the media continues to be beaten as "management crisis". At that time, what was happening inside the company? U.S. magazine "Bloomberg" will deliver the masterpiece Repo, which revealed the full picture of the problem based on interviews with the mask himself and employees, in all three times.
Possession of plutonium, committee for nuclear energy reduction policy Requested by rice: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Defamation or slap lawsuit ... ... witness interrogation with "wedge" coverage over "HPV vaccine" - lawyer dot com
I wanted eight men who sexually abuse goats and die, 1 India photograph international news: AFPBB News
Kobe Newspaper NEXT | Incidents / Accidents | For what ... ... 11 blades on both hands, cops arrested "office" 67-year-old man
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Yesterday's Sumidagawa fireworks developed when it was terrible unexpected # Tokyo camera section # Sumidagawa fireworks # Sumidagawa fireworks display 2018 pic.twitter.com/DuNMdBzRnn
- Yoshiyuki Harada (@ yohar 1114) July 30, 2018
Is this cute guy a camera? Is it a lens? Is it a strobe? pic.twitter.com/2796 rWrwiO
- Stupid (@ po_iz) July 30, 2018
Let's compare 500 yen "tight lock" and 100 equal "cabinet lock". https://t.co/9qojfnY4ds
- KEISUI ART STUDIO (@ keisuiart) July 31, 2018
A wonderful book came out of Tombo 's book. "We will stay at the brothel" that we once gathered inn as innocent (Shinchosha). An interesting record as a cultural property. I did not know that there are so many active hotels yet. pic.twitter.com/JixbiuFufd
- Nakamura Kunio (6 dimensions) (@ 6 jigen) July 31, 2018
Please! World electronics manufacturer! For the elderly Please make this ultimately simple remote control! I do not read characters! I can not read it I do not read! Turn on, disappear, bean bulb! This alone is OK! I get asked that I do not know how to erase it remotely every day! Television air conditioners are also others! help me! pic.twitter.com/h2gXg2FDkz
- Fried okra (@ soukosouji) July 31, 2018
When barley tea was boiled deeply, it became the taste of coffee, so it was like a cafe au lait and it was drinking frequently, but at last Kirin took out as a product! You can enjoy substitute coffee in Germany easily during the war! ! pic.twitter.com/fnDlPrxOvh
- Uki is Yahiro (@ hayhironau) July 31, 2018
I think I'm hitting you pic.twitter.com/ uI1XH5NIWB
- Test Mule (@ aserfgyu 12) July 31, 2018
Cha, this construction schedule quality is too high! !
- AmuYuzu from Hamanaka official (@ AMUUSE_JP) July 30, 2018
Handwrite on the whiteboard! What?
Perhaps the construction here is certainly firm.
So, I think that it is the most powerful on holidays. w pic.twitter.com/4E63v3MpZ2
It's bun-chan, so it's cute too.
- Red Blood Cell (@ niihao_) July 30, 2018
Even humans can even have bags of noodles by themselves. pic.twitter.com/ggiRMGStIq
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Explanation about open source trademark and request to respond to inquiries for canceling nonuse | OSDN Magazine
There is a group called Open Source Group Japan where several volunteer volunteers in Japan gathered in the early days of the open source movement. This Open Source Group Japan has registered a trademark (registration 4553488) "Open source / Open Source" in Japan in 2002, but this month the same registered trademark is requested for revocation trial for unused I received a letter from the patent attorney saying that it was.
Whether or not to disprove the use confirmation against this appeal is decided in early August, but our group understands the full extent of how much this trademark is used , There is a need to widely disseminate cases in general in order to confirm the use cases as soon as possible, and the image of the term "nonuse revocation trial" and the trademark application filed by the requestor of the trial application Based on the fact that there is a possibility that the concern for the future use of the term "open source" will spread from the influence of the open source trademark, the scope of acquisition of the open source trademark, the extent of the influence of the trademark, the correct meaning We decided to summarize how to respond.
About part of our intellectual property activities | OPENSAUCE®
The conflict over "open source" trademarks broke out? | Surad YRO
In the field of trademarks, when a registered trademark has not been used as a designated item for more than three years continuously, a third party can ask that a third party cancel the trademark, which is called a non-use revocation trial. OPENSAUCE filed a trademark "OPENSAUCE / open source", which seems to have been rejected as being similar to the "OPENSOURCE" trademark. For this reason, the company seems to demand a cancellation in the relevant field of "OPENSOURCE" trademark.
Regarding the trademark "OPENSOURCE" "open source", as mentioned above, since it allows free use without permission, OSDN can not grasp usage status. If there is an example that uses the words "open source" or "OPENSOURCE" by the product name or brand name in the above field (because it becomes evidence that the trademark is used) Open Source Group Japan, Shuji Sado (Twitter: @ shujisado) to provide information.
Q. Please tell me about clothing. There was a middle-ranking SE who came to work on Aloha shirt and broken jeans recently, so I thought that there was a problem indeed and I warned. However, the SE is confused as "clothes are free". It is a deception to say "It is funny to force clothes to do this." How can we respond in the workplace?
"Traffic jams due to too much ride sharing" to regulate in NY | NHK News
In New York City last year, the report entitled "There are plenty of cars in the city, though only the empty cars", summarized accordingly, in Manhattan, over 10,000 cars are running only in taxi and ride share at the peak weekday evening It means that it is double the traffic volume in 2013.
For this reason, New York City is planning to regulate the ride-sharing business in August, and as a rule it will not allow cars that can be registered for ride sharing over the next one year, as a rule, not to be too cheap compared to taxis We are considering setting a minimum fee.
sorry…. Children of models that are getting a little tough. . . Www grandma sorry brought by train www # VRoid pic.twitter.com/S7xbqPqnpb
- Mochahi (@ hiroki 3025) July 31, 2018
Finish the struggle with freee and fight in Mel Pay - DoorLog
Deep relationship between Splatoon 2 and NAT | Nikkei xTECH (CrossTech)
Facebook, illegal pages etc Delete Russia involvement (Photo = AP): Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Load test with Gatling | Developers.IO
The reason I decided to write a technical book | Hiroki Tani / CyberAgent, Inc. | note
[Vue.js] Let's use mavonEditor which can make a rich markdown editor with explosive speed
We gathered the elite in the company and made an Amazon Go-like structure in 3 weeks | Developers.IO
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Manga Library Z - Manga Library Z collects works that have been published and posted at businessworks in the past in collaboration with Business Nippon Jinbo Co., Ltd.!
TV animation "Karakuri Circus" From October 2018, TOKYOMX, BS11 decided on the broadcast! !
- TV anime "Karakuri Circus" Official (@ karakuri_anime) August 1, 2018
Wins, Narumi, Shimane, Three encounters move gears of destiny ─
First battle key ban is lifted! ! Https://T.Co/p4vie7OJFJ #Karakuri_anime # Karakuri circus pic.twitter.com/L01tOfmMBv
【First Animation PV】
- TV anime "Karakuri Circus" Official (@ karakuri_anime) August 1, 2018
And finally! Karakuri Circus starts to move with animation!
The first animation PV is released!
Do not miss the powerful action scenes such as brilliantly dancing in the air, lively running, Narumi's Chinese Kempei! #karakuri_anime # Karakuri Circus pic.twitter.com/IcK7cZ7EAy
TV anime "The one I like is my sister but I'm not a sister" the first PV - YouTube
Today I met a ridiculous dollar today so please take care of yours too pic.twitter.com/5QA6Rk8MCT
- Kentaro Ideo [Official] (@ myututuu) July 31, 2018
- First of all, please tell me from "Where is the Dead Sea Document"?
From 1946 to 47, anecdotes have been reported that from the cave beside the Dead Sea in the West Bank area of the present day, a Bedouin shepherd's boy found a pot containing scrolls by chance. Scrolls are said to be the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century later, but passed from Bedouin to antique dealers, and even the archbishops of the Syrian Orthodox church, and traced a strange fate.
The document was mostly parchment, partly papyrus, written primarily in Hebrew and Aramaic. About 800 points at the present time, including those found in the surrounding cave, about 200 of which are manuscripts of the Old Testament, about 600 other points to be translated this time, there are a variety of words in the Bible, including psalms, ceremonial documents, wisdom documents, Magical documents etc. are included.
Because the release was too late, the conspiracy theory that "the inconvenient things were written in the Vatican" also attracted a hot topic. At the present time, when photos are released, such speculation is rude, but there seems to be a lot of people who are interested by the influence of animation "Neon Genesis Evangelion".
【Spoiler attention】 I went to Anpanman movie, I was super good so let me introduce pic.twitter.com/aadHXJWdAr
- Twinkle (@ kikumaki 00) July 31, 2018
- Limass (@ iRuurzyy) July 30, 2018
Quadruped walking I bought in one festa cute little pic.twitter.com/wvaDbdH 4 Yy
- Kairo XV (@ Weakest_89) July 31, 2018
- Nori @ YuruYuri 10th anniversary! (@ _ namori _) July 31, 2018
Mr. Rivai's movements of three-dimensional mobility is too much wwwwwwwww pic.twitter.com/VWnBJuKf3e
- Ronie's MAD room (@ Ronie0077) July 31, 2018
I can not pass ... (conviction) pic.twitter.com/qYaW3LHZwa
- Imamu (@ tomoyanandayo) July 31, 2018
Mama is a magical girl pic.twitter.com/pYW2nFPiHS
- Shimazaki @ "Three Year Difference" released on August 22 (@ shimazakikazumi) July 31, 2018
I forcibly put a human bones in the penguin model and I am worried about what will happen if human animation is applied ... pic.twitter.com/qczVgReLBx
- ka 92 (@ ka 92) July 30, 2018
- Tornado scissors. (Job seeking) (@ toorinosashimi) July 31, 2018
It started broadcasting on Fate / EXTRA LE, Netflix too. 11, 12 episode ED Replacement Illustration 1000 years ago and current Leo and Gawain. Leo as a trench coat when I grew up and having fun drawn ...! # FateEX_LE pic.twitter.com/25 ODI HGBAs
- Mieko Oshii (@ hosoimieko) August 1, 2018
Fate / EXTRA # 13, ED It is an arrangement (?) Version of the illustration rearranging. The final story, it was a very hot picture ...! Everyone in the main staff, I really appreciate your work! As Netflix can see all the stories, those who have not seen it yet ... #FateEX_LE pic.twitter.com/bnhZt5v7pM
- Mieko Oshii (@ hosoimieko) August 1, 2018
The end ~ # Hentatsu pic.twitter.com/IejJscNfc4
- Tatsuki / irodori (@ irodori 7 ) July 31, 2018
You can also check if you are in life insurance. pic.twitter.com/9 tRXzcKoJs
- Kaoru (@ kaorutofu) July 29, 2018
- Ao Nawa Nana (@ aokawa_ 7 ) July 31, 2018
This time, it was decided to book "Manga that a younger brother can do for a girls' cosplay year"
Thanks for your warm support, really thank you very much! !
I will do my best to make it a book that you can have fun reading for everyone reading pic.twitter.com/ThUtyHUhti
The difference between Nero emperor of Fate and real Nero Empress pic.twitter.com/z9B81HLm8e
- Chiyono (@ Aftam C) July 31, 2018
- Shim Akai Sunday West also -01 a (@ sas_akai) July 31, 2018
Niantic holds a briefing session on Japanese development studio "Niantic: Tokyo Studio" - GAME Watch
About the difference between "for children" and "for children", the hot opinion of the colleague editorial department is the topic "Children are not that easy" - Togetter
~ Tokyo Institute of Technology × Sword Art Online - The Front Line of Science and Technology - Technical Festival 2018 Official Site
We will do sword art · online events at Tokyo Institute of Technology which became a hot topic by appearing in the movie "Theatrical version Sword Art Online - Ordinal Scale -"!
In the event, you will also appear in the original author Kawahara Gravel, Anime Director Tomohiko Ito, and popular voice actor in charge of the character's voice, Masaoka Tadenoba and Mr. Rina Makoto!
I will talk about the world of sword art and online with teaching of Tokyo Tech!
Of course, those who are interested in science and technology are welcome to come and join us!
I went to the Toei Animation Museum. To say the least, it was awesome. - PreCure Numbers Blog
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
"I dislike playing baseball but I was doing small and medium highs and baseball." Talking to a person when asking the reason why the answer returned was too evil and exaggerated - Togetter
Boxing Yamane Chairman's seat replacing the luxurious leather upholstered chair overall with a pipe chair | Gifu Newspaper Web
Rarity! Female director of Hakusan, batting at Koshien attention received - Summer Koshien: Nikkan Sports
This is quite a difficult movie. pic.twitter.com/3sU8yMsACB
- Human eating eating frog (@ TABECHAUYO) July 31, 2018
You can see Shin Godzilla on Amazon Prime Video,
- Momokuri (@ laitoumomokuri) July 31, 2018
Others so I can see it, so do not sleep pic.twitter.com/a4ff8FQn5j
Southern All Stars - Mature JUMP (Full ver.) - YouTube
Damage to the brain by heading, women's players are more risky research pictures International News: AFPBB News
Vaporwave A to Z: Steam wave virtual world map --- Vaporwave sub genre Conclusion - obakeweb
"FA philosophy" The Future Game "" England Football Association's philosophy "The Future Game" translation - Take it easy
Chief Yamane of the boxing league accuses the wrong person Who is extremely white "Forcing referee to cheat and win favorite" (1/2) <Weekly morning sun> | AERA dot. (Aeradot)
【HKT 48 × Tokyo Monorail TVCM】 2018 Shooting Making image / HKT 48 [Official] - YouTube
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Honda | "Super Cub 50 · 60 anniversary anniversary" "Limited Super Cub 110 · 60 anniversary anniversary" limited release
Optical navigation keyboard that can add songs in cooperation with smartphones and others
Tsurun and cool! Summer best sweets appeared New product in August | Lawson Research Institute
Nara, Aizu, Shibuya, Tokyo hospitality to regional bottle, Tokyo Festival (Yamanashi), Mt. Fuji (Shizuoka) are new designs: The Coca-Cola Company
(PDF file) Appeared for the first time in 26 years! "Tomica" Ferrari model released on the first line of August 18 (Sat) 2018 "Tomica" Cumulative total of 1,000 breaking up!
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