Firefox will embark on brand rebuilding and present two ideas to formulate a new icon and are now looking for opinions from users

For many people "Firefox" is definitely a point of referring to Internet browsers, Mozilla, its developer, extends the range of software products covered by "Firefox" and offers a wider range of services It is about to change to a brand. As part of that effort, Mozilla is working on refurbishing the icons of products related to Firefox, and users are also seeking opinions.
Evolving the Firefox Brand - Mozilla Open Design
Mozilla is rebranding Firefox and wants your opinion
The figure below summarizes the new icon Mozilla is considering. Two schemes, "System 1" and "System 2" are presented.

These two icons are being considered as icons symbolizing "Firefox" brand. It can be seen that the System 2 person is on the extension line of the Firefox icon at the present moment, but the System 1 person is completely in a different taste though the color shade is inherited.

The following two types are prepared for the browser. They are icons of "official version" from the left, "Developer Edition" in the development stage such as beta stage, and furthermore the pre-release version " Firefox Nightly " before that.

Even in the same browser, icons for products incorporating new features, such as VR compatible browsers and Firefox Focus for mobile browsers with enhanced privacy protection are included.

The following five icons are prepared for various applications. Although it is not clarified what kind of application it corresponds to each, it can be seen that it represents functions such as mails and settings.

The actual use image looks like this ...

The appearance of the building with the new master icon and the T - shirt image is like this.

Mozilla is widely dissenting opinions on this new design plan. Anyone with an idea can write opinions in the blog comment section, but it is necessary to first recognize the following points.
· It is not a decision to decide the conclusion by crowdsourcing · No voting is done · It is not a request to design someone for free
In addition, Mozilla is a cautionary notice when attracting ideas "Strong warning: Although products and projects are real, these design systems are fictional creations, individual icons until the product is launched There is a possibility that several stages of reviewing will be done or it will be completely changed.The important point at the moment is in the design lineage. "
Mozilla wrote that work is evaluated based on the following criteria.
· Do these two design lines make Firefox feel?
· How much visual relationship is maintained? Is there a sense of unity?
· Can the logic of each design system be expandable in the future when a new product appears?
· Do each design line represent the speed, safety, reliability, wit, innovation that Firefox brings?
· Do each design line suggest Mozilla's position of standing to benefit people?
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