'Why do people dream?' Revealed

by Alexander Mils

There are various opinions about "What is going on while a person is dreaming?" Some scientists insist that "There is absolutely no meaning" in the content of dreams, " Many famous people dream of Some have gained ideas and have secret powers . " Scientists have unraveled the mystery of such " Why do humans dream? "

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | Oxford Academic

Scientist Are Finally Figuring Out Why We Dream, And It's Probably Exactly What You 'd Think

The Sleep Research Institute at Swansea University in the UK has revealed that dreams are useful for correctly processing "memories" and "emotions" that humans experience in their daily lives. This is not a new discovery but an idea that has been discussed as a hypothesis since quite a long time ago. The hypothesis that dreams are linked with real life is what Sigmund Freud proposed at the beginning of the 20th century and is called " day residues ". Since proposed by Freud, a number of researchers about this "memory of the day before" research has been, that there is certainly link between dreams and real life is pointed out has been.

However, as dreams are events occurring in the human mind, it is very difficult to study about this. This is because scientists are forced to rely on the memory of people who "dreamed" because there are no tools to observe dreams directly. However, it is clear that research is difficult because human beings do not remember correctly the content of the dreams they saw during sleep.

by Kinga Cichewicz

So, the research team at Swansea University is concerned with the "emotional strength" of events experienced in a state of awakening, in relation to the "intensity of brain activity" and "contents of dreams" when dreaming We will make a hypothesis that it will be, and verify this. In the research, 20 student volunteers were prepared and they frequently remembered the content of the dream.

First of all, in the research, we ask the subject to write a detailed diary about the events of daily life for 10 days and record our daily lives. The contents written in the diary range from 'personally important events' to 'emotional events'. Also record how the subject felt about the events written in the diary and have them evaluate the strength of their emotions on a numbered scale every time.

When I finish keeping the diary for 10 days, I ask the subject to add a noninvasive device to record the brain waves and record brain waves during sleep for several days. The device used to record brain waves is one that can detect brain waves during REM sleep . When a subject sleeps and REM sleep is detected, the research team raises the subject and records the contents of the dream he was watching. The research team investigated whether this relationship can not be found in this "content of dreams spoken of in the wakeup" and "daily events described in the diary".

Humans dream at the time of REM sleep. And during REM sleep, theta waves dominate the electroencephalogram. Observing this theta wave, it seems that the number of things that appeared in the dream among 'events recorded in the diary' was related to the strength of the theta wave. According to the research team, on the day that there are many impressive events like recording in the diary, the theta wave at the time of REM sleep is predominant.

In addition, it is also found that the subjects who said that the subjects "have a strong emotional impression" are more likely to appear in their dreams than other events. "This research is the first one to show that theta waves are related to the recent events and dreams that have recently occurred," said Mark Braglob, a psychologist at Swansea University and a research associate, "It is also the most powerful evidence in the past research that shows that dreams are related to handling the immediate memory of the brain."

In addition, the next goal of the research team is to confirm whether you can induce subjects in sleep to listen to binaural beats so that you can guide them to dream of the most recent events.

in Science, Posted by logu_ii