Isaac Newton's 'Prinquipia' and other equivalent books of about 900 million yen will be stolen from the library

An incident occurred in which 300 books of rare value among the books stored in the Carnegie library were stolen. Two men who are said to have stolen books from the library were arrested on Friday, July 20, 2018 for theft and the like.
Newton's 'Principia' among items in alleged $ 8M book scheme | WJAC
Two Men Allegedly Stole $ 8 Million Worth of Rare Books, Including Newton's 'Principia' - Motherboard kmkzd/two-men-stole-dollar8-million-worth-of-rare-books-including-newtons-principia
According to the District Public Prosecutors Office in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, the two who committed the crime were Mr. Greg Praia, former official of the Carnegie library and John Schulman, the owner of the old book shop.
They steal the book directly from the room where the book with high scarcity value in the Carnegie library is held, or they cut out only the page such as figures and illustrations which are said to have high rarity value, and carried them away. The stolen books and pages were later sold to the collector.

This crime has been taking place about 20 years ago when two people are arrested and the books that were damaged are " Prinquipia " where Isaac Newton explained Newtonian dynamics, Adam Smith 's " Wealth of Nations " etc. It covers 300 volumes. The damage amount is equivalent to 8 million dollars (about 890 million yen).
At the time of writing the article, about 1.1 million dollars (about 120 million yen) of the stolen books and pages have already been collected. Newton's "Principia", which was the most valuable item among the stolen items, was already sold to the collector, but it has also been collected safely and is kept in the local public prosecutors office as a proof is.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log