The BGP hijacking habitual crime is reported as 'BAN was made from the Internet world'


On August 25, 2017, a large communication failure occurred on the Internet in Japan, causing difficulties connecting to the Internet. BGP hijacking is the cause of this large-scale obstacle, and Google acknowledges that "It caused a failure due to mistakes in its network configuration". In this way, BGP hijacking may happen accidentally due to device misconfiguration, but some people intentionally do BGP hijacking. According to Dyn , which provides DNS service, "According to the activities of security researchers, Bitcanal, which was known as a BGP hijacking habitual, was separated from Internet providers all over the world and eventually it became impossible to connect to the Internet "apparently.

Shutting down the BGP Hijack Factory | Dyn Blog

When a web browser tries to access a specific web site, even a physically distant server can reach the intended site in a short time. This is realized because many routers called AS, which exist on the Internet, have optimal route information, and routing information held by the AS is used by AS on the Internet using a protocol called BGP By periodically exchanging, it is a mechanism that always keeps optimum and latest information.

BGP hijacking is an attacker installing an AS that misrepresents routing information and guides communication by saying "If you go to this network, it is faster to pass through this network" on the Internet. Other ASs who got this information will guide various communications to the spoofed path according to "lie path information". Many of BGP hijacks are caused by human errors, such as large-scale obstacles on August 25, 2017, but some of them intentionally induce communication data for eavesdropping on IDs and passwords There are cases to do.

According to Mr. Doug Madley, who is in charge of Internet analysis director at Dyn, "It was a topic that there is a company with dubious route information called Bitcanal," although the purpose is unknown, Since Bitcanal repeated small-scale BGP hijacking repeatedly, security researchers were attracting attention.

Even then, security researchers who felt Bitcanal's repeated BGP hijacking "It is not an artificial mistake, but intentionally doing with malice" causes action. Researchers reported on the actual communication graph data on "behaviors that seem to be BGP hijacking in the past" to GTT and Cogent of providers that Bitcanal used for connection. Then, Bitcanal quickly disconnected the Internet connection from these providers.

However, Bitcanal will return to the Internet in a short time using the Belgian Internet provider BICS network. Researchers who confirmed this will report Bitcanal's malicious activity to BICS and succeed in disconnecting from the Internet.

Even after that, the same weasel engagement continued, but the researcher had a very large effect that the provider showed Bitcanal's problematic action with evidence, and as soon as the researcher contacted it, the Internet provider is ready to respond It is said that. And, according to Hurricane Electric on July 9, 2018, IP Telecom on July 10, 2018, after Bitcanal's AS was detached, "Bitcanal will not be expected to return to the Internet for a while" Mr. Madrid is speaking.

in Security, Posted by darkhorse_log