8 ideas needed for 'correct learning'

by Green Chameleon
Kevin Haise, who kept thinking about the essential "learning" in life with reference to the knowledge of various fields, said that "he is not an expert on learning," while learning I will explain the eight important factors.
Eight Big Ideas of Learning - Sagefy
◆ 1: Doing only one thing at a time "Doing one thing at a time" is an important act to focus on what you should do. Ability that human beings can keep information in mind and process at the same time in a short time is called " working memory " and its capacity is considered to be limited. According to a passage, it is said that only one "memorable (chunk)" that can be memorized at a time is said to be "four chunks", and at the time of learning, Haith said that "learning one thing at a time" is realistic I will.
In addition, various research results clarify that the human brain is not suitable for multitasking. In learning as well, learning one thing is not a simultaneous learning but it is better to learn one thing, and if you feel a limit at the time of learning it is recommended to decompose what you are learning.
Human brain is not suitable for multitasking - GIGAZINE

Because noise disturbs the quality of learning, "It is important to find a quiet and comfortable study space," Mr. Haise said. It is important to stop SNS when learning, turn off the power of mobile phones and PC. By doing so, there is less room to think about extra things, and you can concentrate on learning one thing.
◆ 2: Set goals and protect them <br> According to Mr. Haise, it is important to set specific goals finely. Although there is often a moment to lose motivation in learning, Mr. Haith says that by setting detailed goals that can be achieved in detail, it helps to maintain motivation.
Furthermore, there is also a necessity to provide a place to utilize the knowledge gained by learning. As you gain knowledge by achieving the set goals, you need to check if this learns as skills beyond knowledge. For example, by discussing about what you learned, you can check whether your knowledge is firmly on yourself.
In addition, checking progress progressively towards the goal is to look back on what kind of skills he has acquired so far and motivation for learning can be raised . This is an act of visualizing the achievements that have continued learning, and it helps to maintain their motivation to learn.

by Gaelle Marcel
◆ 3: adapt to prior knowledge <br> advance knowledge refers to knowledge already known before learning. Many people tend to start studying and taking lessons in reference books without considering this prior knowledge in learning. However, it is difficult to learn how to play the piano without knowing how to read the score, but you may not need to study from the reading method of the score even though you know how to read the score. Before you start learning you need to find a means to organize and evaluate what you know, identify your weaknesses among them and correctly evaluate "what to first learn" in those areas By doing so, the efficiency of learning jumps at a stretch.
Human beings are too easy or it is easy to avoid tackling problems that are too difficult. Too much learning, in other words to spend time and effort on "already know" is too boring. On the other hand, people feel frustrated with learning that is too difficult. In other words, humans do not want to be too easy or too difficult, they just want to learn intermediate things. To that end, it will be necessary to divide what you learn and compare it with your own prior knowledge, so that you can gradually increase the difficulty of learning.
Before learning something new, Mr. Hayes prefers the need to check with the prior information and see if there is relevant information. Learning efficiency and motivation can be raised by learning what you already know and connecting with what you want to learn.

by Dmitry Ratushny
◆ 4: Make a graph <br> You need to learn how to organize the subject in learning so that you can check the table of contents before reading the book, or read the subheader before reading the full text. By doing this, you can understand what content of learning is connected to other information, and you can also know at what stage of learning advance knowledge can be used.
By understanding what the subject in learning is and constructing a concept map from it, we understand the structure of the theme that we learn. In addition, building the concept map makes it possible to understand the overall structure of the learning content, and the learning efficiency is improved.

◆ 5: Giving choices One of the important factors for enhancing motivation in learning is "autonomy". By making it possible to decide what to learn by yourself from among the options, autonomy in learning increases and motivation increases. On the contrary, there is something that everyone once experienced that motivation to learning is drastically lowered by forcing learning.
If you are planning a learning plan for yourself or someone else, make a simple choice. For example, if you present three different learning methods for the same information and you can learn in any way you like, you will be able to voluntarily proceed to the next step in learning.
In this way options are a powerful tool to promote voluntary learning. However, Mr. Haise recommends that you avoid preparing so many options. The reason for choosing options is to enhance motivation in learning and enhance autonomy.

by Felix Russell-Saw
◆ 6: Drilling deeply <br> Although listening to the teacher's lesson at school makes me feel "I learned something", practicing enough is very important for skill development. Then, how much you need to practice is "You probably need more practice than you guess," Mr. Haise said. When building a learning plan so that you can have enough exercise time, you need to include various exercises. In addition to recognition and storage of information, it is necessary to practice to explain, apply, analyze and synthesize knowledge.
At the time of learning it is necessary to frequently ask three questions "What should we pay attention to," "How well can you understand?" "Is your strategy successful?" These questions improve meta-recognition and provide a stronger learning effect.

by Jan Traid
◆ 7: Make knowledge real - Before learning something, you need to make a firm note of why you want to learn it. It is possible to get motivation by remembering that goal anytime during learning.
In addition, please try to link the material you are learning with real problems. By doing so, you will be able to feel more realistic about what kind of problem solving "what you are learning" will solve.
Listening to lectures and reading textbooks is a common learning method. However, visually and auditorily experiencing examples in learning will help you in your own learning more realistically. When you are stuck with learning, you will be able to deepen your own understanding within yourself by searching for images and videos about what you are learning on search engines.

by Kobu Agency
◆ 8: Learning together <br> By learning with someone else, you can improve learning efficiency. Feedback to each other is also important in learning, and in that case "should do it in a timely manner," Mr. Haise said. Even if you give feedback or give, it is a source of your own learning, but when you receive your feedback mainly, you will need to find a person who can provide feedback. The best way to find "people who can provide feedback" is to find "study colleagues", and in advancing learning with those people, it is helpful to get consensus with each other to promote the learning outcome .

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