World's first 'gorilla capable of sign language' Coco dies at the age of 46

The female Roland gorilla ' Coco ' who succeeded in human dialogue using sign language for the first time in the world died on June 19, 2018. I was 46 years old.
Famous gorilla Koko who could have sign language has died at the age of 46 | Metro News
Coco was born in San Francisco Zoo on July 4, 1971. As born on July 4th, the American Independence Day, it was named "Fireworks (Hanabiko)" in the same way as the fireworks that went on this day, from which the nicknamed "Coco" was born.

California Gorilla Foundation, which kept Coco, said, "Coco became the world's first" gorilla capable of sign language ", became an idol to promote communication between different races, and was loved by hundreds of people. We will continue to be loved, we will miss you. "

The reason that Coco became famous was that he taught sign language from Dr. Francscane Paterson who was breeding. The picture shows how Dr. Patterson and Coco play.

In 1974, Dr. Patterson and Dr. Ronald Kohn moved Coco and the project to Stanford University and founded the Gorilla Foundation to keep Coco. This Gorilla Foundation records images showing how Koko communicates with people using sign language, and you can see how this is done from the following. I showed off a fluent greeting saying "I am a coconut and an excellent gorilla," "This incident made me sad", "I need your help", and asked the other party You can clearly express your intention with respect to it.
Meet Koko, Gorilla Spokesperson - YouTube
The project to teach sign language to Gorilla advanced at Stanford University will be expanded by adding gorilla named Michael . After Michael was rescued in Africa, he joined the project as a candidate for Coco's partner and acquired painting while growing up with Coco. In the movie Michael details in detail his bothersome mother's memory.
See Michael's Dream... - YouTube
After that, in 1979, Coco and the Gorilla Foundation moved the activity base to the Santa Cruz Mountain Range and added Nudum to a new group. The first meeting scene of Coco and Nudum is published on the YouTube by the Gorilla Foundation.
When Koko Met Ndume - YouTube
In the photos below, Professor Coco and Patterson, and Mr. Bettman who was a graduate student at Stanford University and chief lecturer at Coco are shown.

Coco's words and empathic ability hit many people's hearts. Coco has appeared in multiple documentaries for his lifetime, and in October 1978 it appeared on the cover of the National Geographic as reflected in the mirror. In January 1985 I decorated the second cover with a cat and a ball.
Coco was interested in the cat who appeared in the picture book, as he barked a cat as a birthday gift. I brought up a child called "ball" to raise a lot of affection, but one day the ball will be drawn by car and died. The fact that Dr. Patterson tells the fact to Koko can be seen from the following movie about 57 seconds, Coco first tells "I do not want to talk", followed by expressing signs of being deeply saddened I am crying while raising my voice.
Koko the Gorilla plays with her kitten, All Ball - YouTube
In addition, the Gorilla Foundation will continue to investigate gorilla's emotional and cognitive abilities, and by doing conservation activities in Africa, we will promote gorilla and human benefit projects.
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