Is sunscreen effective even if purchased several years ago?
The sun is getting stronger and the sunscreen is used more frequently, but some people will find sunscreens that were opened a few years ago from the shelves of the room and left unused. A dermatologist explains whether the sunscreen which has passed many years after opening is effective.
Is Expired Sunscreen Better Than No Sunscreen?
Many sunscreens contain substances that block ultraviolet A wave or ultraviolet B wave such as zinc oxide or titanium oxide as a component absorbing or reflecting ultraviolet rays. And, one of the best hospitals in the country, general hospitalMayo ClinicAccording to the sunscreen opened once, unless the expiration date of use is described in individual products, most of the sunscreens are effective only up to three years. Also, a dermatologist Lauren Ploch explains that putting the sunscreen in a hot place or a high humidity place will destroy the ingredients and lose effect earlier than the official expiration date .

byStephen Rees
"Personal care products deteriorate with the passage of time even when emulsifying agents and preservatives are contained." "And because this deterioration accelerates according to the storage environment of the item, leave the sunscreen in a hot car The effect will be lost earlier than the expiration date, "Ploch said.
Meanwhile, according to Mr. Ploch, cream type sunscreen, not gel or spray type, even if the active ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium oxide are physically shielded between the skin and sunlight, even after the expiration date I will stretch it. In other words, even a sunscreen whose expiration date has expired is better than painting it rather than painting it.

byian dooley
However, since the active ingredients and additives contained in the sunscreen are different depending on the product and containers are also various, it is not clear that "this sunscreen after the expiration date has this effect" And that. Mr. Ploch recommends buying a new suntan at a convenience store near the beach, or borrowing a sunscreen to a nearby person when the sunscreen is out of date.
If sunscreen is not available, there is a way to protect the skin with clothes, and it is better if it is fabrics processed with UPF (Ultra Violet Protection Factor) or SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Mr. Ploch shows that the strongest is to paint sunscreen and wear UPF · SPF processing clothing.

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