"Emotion monitoring system" that scans and manages workers' electroencephalograms has been developed in China and has been actually put into the field

byHarald Groven

With over 1.7 million monitoring cameras in ChinaStrong monitoring system using face recognition systemWe are building security and maintaining security. In Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China, we are working to read and manage brain waves with a sensor embedded in a worker's helmet "Emotion monitoring system"South Korea Morning Post (SCMP) reports that it has been developed and actually introduced.

'Forget the Facebook leak': China is mining data directly from workers' brains on an industrial scale | South China Morning Post

The device used in the "emotion monitoring system" is a lightweight electroencephalogram sensor shown in the lower right of the image below. The lightweight sensor is embedded in the worker's hat or helmet, and the wearer's brain wave data is sent to the computer. On the computer, the transmitted EEG data is scanned and monitors whether it shows anxiety or anger. Based on the brain wave data collected and analyzed, management can grasp the mental stress of employees, adjust the frequency and length of break time, and increase the overall efficiency of workers.

According to SCMP, at least 12 Chinese factories and companies such as manufacturing companies, electric power companies, military and transportation organizations use "emotion monitoring system" to identify workers We are monitoring it. The necessity of regulation to prevent the abuse of "emotion monitoring system" in the workplace is also being discussed.

Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric involved in the development project of the "emotion monitoring system" against the SCMP interview, power companies in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China introduced the "emotion monitoring system" in 2014, resulting in about 2 billion people We are expecting an increase in corporate profit of about 34 billion yen, and it is said that there is no doubt about its efficacy.

Also involved in the development projectNingbo UniversityJin Jia, Associate Professor of Brain Science / Cognitive Psychology of Brain Science / Cognitive Psychology, said in response to SCMP 's interview, "There is something that requires concentration, there is no room to accept mistakes, employees who have important posts If it is emotional, it may affect the whole production line and may also threaten the security of others.The system warnings allow the manager to request that he get a vacation or move to an unimportant position. " I am talking.

in Hardware, Posted by log1i_yk