"Rice guardian's today's rice" Shiro Shinomiya and "Lucky △" Mountain Rope Guide Announcement announced by Kakamigahara Nadeshiko

"Bizan Ropeway Guide Announcement" of the first-time gossip Asobi victory prize,Machi ★ Assobi vol.20But it was done. Two people who are in charge of this announcement are Mr. Shimoji Niimiya (CV: Noriaki Sugiyama) and "Lo Kan △" Kakamigahara Nadeshiko (CV: Yumi Hanamori) from "The Rice Guardian's Rice Today".

Machi ★ Asobi Rope Guide Announcement

The ropewayAwaodori KaikanYou can ride from.

The opening is at 9 o'clock in the morning, but at around 8:30 a row had already been formed.

Opening about 10 minutes earlier than planned

I will buy a ticket for a ropeway with a ticket vending machine. When purchasing a round-trip ticket (1020 yen including tax) ...

You can get a poster of "Mr. Minamiya's Today's rice" or "Lucky △". After suffering, I got a poster of "Mr. Minamiya's today's rice".

To the boarding gate of the ropeway using the elevator in the Awaodori Kaikan.

When waiting in line, the ropeway arrived.

Since two cars come at the same time, we will get on separate.

Leave the ropeway and depart. The scenery going up at the ropeway and the state of announcement by Shiro Shinomiya can be confirmed from the following movie.

Machi ★ Asobi vol.20 "Today's rice with Mr. Minamiya" Eijiyama Shiro's Eyebrow Ropeway Upward Announcement

Arrive at the top

When you climb the stairs further ...

We reach the observatory with a nice view.

Scenery from the top

In the observation deck,Machi ★ Asobi vol 19Coca-Cola and Machi ★ Asobi collaborated with "Fate / stay night" that I showed up atWrapping vending machineDiscovered.

Also at the summit of Meishi, a photo exhibition commemorating the twentieth anniversary of Aki Usbi was set up. Here, a photograph of vol.16 to vol.19,Anime AwardYou can see the traditional handprint relief.

After enjoying the view of the summit, we will ride again on the ropeway and go down.

You can listen to the announcement of Kagami Nadeshiko of "Lo Kan △" on the descent of the ropeway. The state of the announcement can be confirmed from the following movie.

Machi ★ Asobi vol. 20 "Lucky △" Kamihara Nadeshiko's Mountain Rope Crossing Down Announcement

in Coverage,   Vehicle,   Anime, Posted by log1e_dh