What happens if you make your own clone?

ByBenjamin Linh VU

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There are a lot of people who thought "If there is one more person ...", such as when it is hard to get up in the morning, when you have been given a big event in a big event at a school, a company, etc. I upload a lot of movies to explain about familiar science on YouTubeLife NogginI truly understand what happens if I have my clone in an easy to understand manner.

What Would REALLY Happen If You Cloned Yourself? - YouTube

Let's say you have a close friend Rombus. I do not know why, but he is good at soccer.

At one point, you think that you want a lot of exactly the same friends as him. How can it be realized?

If this world is in the computer world, it is possible to easily duplicate Rombus and make the same person by anyone, using copy and paste.

Then, what kind of approach should you take if you are to duplicate best friends and yourself in the real world?

As a genetic method, replicate the organismCloningThere is a process called a.

With this process, you can duplicate basic DNA and create live clones.

Scientists have duplicated various animals in the past 100 years.

Especially famous is the cloned sheep produced in 1996dollyis.

Not only sheep but also cows, horses, cats and dogs have been replicated in the duplicated animals. And newlyTwo monkeys are joining a group of cloned animals.

Can cloning humans be made that primate monkeys could be cloned?

As a practical way to clone living organisms, the well-known method is somatic cell nuclear transfer.

First, prepare an unfertilized egg of the same species as the organism to be cloned ... ...

Remove the internal DNA.

Remove the nucleus of somatic cells from skin cells ... ...

Injected into eggs. And put this egg into the mother's body until the child is born.

Now that scientists have realized the cloning of nonhuman primates, they are approaching cloning of human beings, but there are still challenges.

The biggest problem is that the success rate of monkey cloning is extremely low. Indeed, 127 eggs were used until successfully cloning monkeys, but only 2 successfully gave birth to only 1.6% success rate.

Why it is difficult to clone a primate, it is related to the spindle protein.

Spindle proteins are a very important factor in cell division and cell development. In the case of humans, the spindle protein is present in the nucleus of the ovum.

Therefore, when DNA is removed from eggs for somatic cell nuclear transfer, the spindle protein has also been removedEmbryogenesisIt will be difficult. In other words, the growth of the fetus becomes difficult.

Let's say that you have cleared such technical problems and have succeeded in cloning yourself. Is the clone actually born just the same person as you?

Perhaps, you saw your clone, you should have the impression that you are a completely different person.

This is related to genes. Your birth is based on genes and it depends on which genes are enabled and which genes are invalidated in the fetus. In other words, it affects also depending on the environment in which the baby was born.

In addition, this clone may have health problems.

This is because animals cloned in the past suffered from problems of the brain, heart, liver and immune system.

The reason why health problems arise is that many cloned animals shrink faster at the tip of the chromosome than usual and cell aging occurs quickly. For this reason, my clone is prone to become sick and is considered likely to die early.

In addition, the clone may have quite different character from the original person. Some of the personality is based on genetics, but it also changes greatly depending on the experiences I've been doing and the environment I've spent. In other words, if you make your own clone to be two people at all, you have to make the same experience as the life experience that person spent.

The movie is over with the question "Does anyone who thinks they want clones want to make copies of their own even if they accept all these risks?"

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log