Why do people want to participate in the "spicy contest"?

byOzzy Delaney

Known as "the world's hardest pepper"Carolina · ReaperMen who ateCause blood flow disturbance in the brainSometimes too hot ingredients can have an adverse effect on the body. Nonetheless, the BBC is telling why people who challenge hard-to-eat ingredients are going after.

Why do people enjoy taking part in chilli-eating contests? - BBC News

People who like spicy may ruin all the taste by adding peppers to the dish, but some people are going to compete in contests to eat spicy ingredients in search of harder ingredients. Organizations formed by people who like spicy who have participated in sports competitions around the world "Clifton · Chile · ClubMr. Chile Dave, who is headed by Mr. Chile, says, "There is a kind of addiction to hot ingredients."

"When you eat spicy things firstEndorphinBegan to be secreted, followedAdrenalineGoes out like a waterfall, "Mr. Dave tells us that if you eat hot ingredients you will get pleasure.

Mr. Dave said that he went to the sponsoring sports contest now after winning several spicy contests with loving friends. "When you eat really hot peppers, you feel a burning pain like being stung by something, but it is all an illusion that the spirit causes and there is no damage to your body," Dave said I mentioned.

byLauri Rantala

Sports movement dieticianWill HawkinsMr. Dave agreed with Mr. Dave and said, "Capsaicin is a major compound of red pepper, has a function to relieve pain in the body, binds pain sensory receptors at the extremities of the nerves, makes you feel burning pain However, it is not burned due to capsaicin actually. "

Capsaicin seems to have good effects on the body if it is in the proper amount, it is said that it can be used for weight loss by lowering the increased blood pressure or increasing the speed of metabolism. However, Mr. Dave said that he suffered from an abdominal ulcer without knowing that he was hospitalized because he continued to eat chili without knowing that he had an ulcer. "Unfortunately I have been hospitalized for seven days," Dave said.

In the UKFiery Foods FestivalAccording to Mr. Carl Muzio hosting a spicy contest called "spicy contest", the spicy contest is very popular every year, and the event of 2018 plans to hold three events over three days. "A lot of participants (perhaps the way of saying the victims may be more appropriate) will always participate in the spicy contest, which was mostly male participants, but recently women's participants are also increasing "Mr. Muzio said, and he plans to actively develop hot sports contests in the future.


In England there are many hot peppers and chili sauce producers, and already hot ingredients are to be established as industries. Mr. Muzio said: "We are always keeping doctors on standby so that they can respond immediately when bad symptoms appear in participants.In the past we have seen vomiting, increased heart rate, extreme cramps There was. "We are stating that we are preparing for emergency situations when sponsoring a spicy contest.

"Milk, yogurt, sugar etc. are prepared for the participants behind the stage, these ingredients will help to combat the spicy of hot chili," Mr. Muzio said.

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1h_ik