Looking back on the achievement of GitHub's 10th birthday, it looks like this

Git managing and publishing software development projects Shared web servicesGitHub, Celebrating its 10 th birthday. GitHub himself looks back on the way that GitHub has built immovable status as a software repository.

Thank you for making 10 years of GitHub possible · GitHub

◆ 2008
Development of the beta version was completed in April 2008, GitHub officially on 10th April 2008Start of the servicebecame.Apache SubversionMove to GitHub fromRailsIt was the first large-scale open source project to be memorable.

◆ 2009
Virtual currencyBitcoin (bit coin)Was invented in 2009. In addition, when registering bit coins in GitHub in 2010, over 18,000 forks were born, and thousands of block chain projects were born on GitHub. Also, the birth of Node.js was also 2009, and it gave a fundamental change to how to use JavaScript.

◆ 2010
Female programmer community Rails Girls hosted the first event in Helsinki, Finland on 26th November 2010.Google Summer of CodeYaOutreachyRails Girls organized so as to line up shoulder withSummer of CodeGitHub said it has had a major impact on the software industry.

◆ 2011
Continuous integration (CI) tool that can cooperate with GitHub "Travis CI"Was released on January 1, 2011.JenkinsYaCircleCIIt was born at the same time, etc. It is said that 2011 became an important year for CI and software as a whole.

You can check the popular CI tool on GitHub on the following page.

GitHub welcomes all CI tools | The GitHub Blog

◆ 2012
In 2012 JavaScript became the most popular programming language on GitHub, beyond Ruby, Java, Python. It has not changed until 2018.

◆ 2013
On January 16, 2013 the GitHub community has reached 3 million users. In the second half of 2013Project Open DataIt is said that 10 million repositories including the above were created.

◆ 2014
Virtualize container based applications on June 9, 2014Docker 1.0Has been released. On July 21Django GirlsIn Berlin, GermanyEuroPython 2014, And started training support for women for four years.

Microsoft announced on October 23, 2014Open Source programStarting,Open source of .NET Framework and othersit was done. GitHub stated that Microsoft's thousands of engineers have actively released software at GitHub, and GitHub said that large companies have changed the way they build software, and that contribution is praised.

◆ 2015
Epic Games Releases Unreal Engine 4 Source CodeAnd GitHub says it has shared a creative vision with game developers. According to the opening efforts, the latest release has succeeded in getting community support from bug fix to Git integration. Since then,PhaserYaGodot EngineProjects such as projects have appeared, and the method of making indie games is shared.

On September 22, 2015 "GitHub ClassroomStarted, we were able to distribute starter codes and collect tasks at school. With the advent of GitHub Classroom,edXYaUdacityMany ways to learn software development were created, such as the opening of a large open online course, such as.

◆ 2016
Lunar landing in 1969Apollo 11 source codeAppeared in GitHub. Easter eggs were found in the program, and the sense of humor of the programmer of the 1960s was reviewed. In addition to this, NASA keeps hundreds of open source projects,SpaceX leverages tools released on GitHubGitHub also contributes to space development, such as launching a rocket into space.

◆ 2017
The Python development team, the third most popular programming language on GitHub since 2015, will migrate the environment to GitHub in 2016 and for the first time in GitHub in 2017 "pull requestFunction has been opened. Also, Google's machine learning library TensorFlow has become one of the most forked projects on GitHub since its release in 2015.

The account registration of non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations exceeded 30,000 in May 2017.Wildlife Conservation Society utilizes software to achieve coral conservationWe are doing remarkable achievements such as doing.

◆ 2018
On 10th April 2018, GitHub celebrated 10 years since the start of service, and has grown to have 70 million developers and more than 80 million projects.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log